Review of "Development of Executive Routines, Both Hardware and Software" by Albert B. Tonik; (AFIPS Conference Proceedings 31, pp. 395-408, Thompson Book Company, Washington, D.C.) Innumerable papers by Russian authors using probabilistic models for physical systems are prefaced by a comment explaining that the results obtained must follow from dialectic materialism, and therefore the same results could in principle be derived deterministically as well as statistically, save for mathematical con- venience. A similarly political motivation may unconsiously underly many papers in the computer field which explain that ever more elaborate executive programs are motivated exclusively by a desire to increase hardware efficiency and improve system economy. Thus this paper, an otherwise excellent review of the array of problems encountered in organizing an executive program, weakens its semi-historical develop- ment by presenting each elaboration of executive responsibility as motivated only by improved hardware utilization. In the most serious example of the distortion caused by this viewpoint, the paper suggests that the motivation for paging as a scheme for allocating primary memory is to sandwich additional programs into memory in the holes left between other programs. Whether or not paging increases or decreases the number of words of primary memory which can be utilized probably depends on the statistics of the programs involved. The more serious issues (and the ones which raise the most emotional arguments) are the abilities of a paged machine to present the programmer with an interface which does not change every time a new box of memory is added; and to relieve the programmer of explicit overlay organization. The author mentions these latter issues as though they were virtually side effects of the effort to increase hardware utilization. With this single significant complaint aside, this paper is a welcome relief from the long series of "here is how we implemented a multi_____ system on the ____ computer". The author has taken the trouble to identify many of the sources of difficulty and complexity in an executive program. This is one of the few papers one can point to which recognizes the importance of error handling and program snapshot/restart procedures in their contribution to the complexity of executive programs. A discussion of solutions as comprehensive as the author's discussion of problems would require at least a book. The author has taken what appeared to be an easy shortening scheme--he indicates one or two techniques of attacking each problem. Unfortunately, he becomes unintentionally dogmatic when he presents the technique he is most familiar with and fails to indicate that there may exist several other techniques to solve the same problem. This comment applies, for example, to his discussions of priority schemes, and of error handling, and of interrupt handling. Overall, the paper provides a lot of food for thought, and is well worth exploring before implementing another operating system. A comprehensive bibliography of papers on operating systems provides valuable reference. J.H. Saltzer Waban, Mass. 5/13/68