1997 MIT Mystery Hunt Puzzle 29 Solution
"Comparable to" in the flavor text clues that these
items appear in well-known similes (sometimes not in the
sense pictured). Take the indicated letter from the
adjective describing each item.
- (D)RY as a bone
- AM(E)RICAN as apple pie
- (R)IGHT as rain
- H(A)RD as rock
- (T)IGHT as a drum
- PR(E)TTY as a picture
- (D)UMB as a post
- BL(I)ND as a bat
- (S)MART as a whip
- CU(T)E as a button
- S(H)ARP as a tack
- CL(E)AN as a whistle
- (S)TRAIGHT as an arrow
- G(O)OD as gold
- (L)IGHT as a feather
- Q(U)ICK as a wink (Wink Martindale)
- FI(T) as a fiddle
- S(I)CK as a dog
- CO(O)L as a cucumber
- (N)EAT as a pin
This spells DERATED IS THE SOLUTION, so the answer is DERATED.