The achievements listed all won Ig Nobel prizes in Chemistry, Literature, Peace, or Physics. In alphabetical order, the names of the winners are:
Jacques Benveniste (Chemistry, 1991)
Jacques Benveniste (Chemistry, 1998)
Lal Bihari (Peace, 2003)
James and Gaines Campbell (Chemistry, 1993)
Erich von Daniken (Literature, 1991)
Harold Hillman (Peace, 1997)
Yukio Hirose (Chemistry, 2003)
Jasmuheen (Literature, 2000)
Louis Kervran (Physics, 1993)
Viliumas Malinauskus (Peace, 2001)
Robert Matthews (Physics, 1996)
John Richards (Literature, 2001)
David Schmidt (Physics, 2001)
Mara Sidoli (Literature, 1998)
Yuri Struchkov (Literature, 1992)
John Trinkaus (Literature, 2003)
Group the last names of the winners according to the fields their awards were won in, sorting chronologically, and take the indicated letter of each name:
Chemistry: benveniSTe cAmpbell benvenisTe hirosE |
Literature: danIken Struchkov sidoLi jAsmuheeN richarDs trinkauS |
Peace: hillMan mAlinaUskus biharI |
Physics: kErvran matThews sChmidt |
This spells out STATE ISLANDS MAUI ETC. Which clues the answer to the puzzle, which is HAWAII.
2006 MIT Mystery Hunt