Across: 1. With skill 9. What doctors recommend instead of petroleum application? 10. Pierre's friend 12. Moon of Jupiter 13. Initials of composer and lyricist of Cats 15. x1, fax number of a van manufacturer 17. Recent Shakespeare film adaptation 18. Three straight days of music to a Harvard student 19. Compare United Kingdom (abbr.) 21. Nothing compares 2 this 22. x2, phone number of a ballot initiative sponsor 24. Answer to "What's the byproduct of smelting, dawg?" 26. U.F.O. pilot 27. Golfer Michelle 28. Not radial 30. Difficultly |
Down: 1. Those paying for services 2. Something that used to be a chart 3. Ave. 4. x3, phone number of a regatta chair 5. Beatles album 6. Type of intersection 7. Cartoon therapist cocreated by Snyder, Mr. 8. Doo's dance partner 11. Worship of a golden calf 14. x4, phone number of a script writing workshop organizer 16. Paul Charron's job title (abbr.) 20. Fiona Apple album 23. Empire state org. for one-wheelers 25. Goes with art in triv. purs. 29. Word said by certain knights 31. Bad grade |
(3269501 * x1 * x2 * x3 * x4) modulo 10000103
Note: please do not call any phone numbers found in this puzzle.