The answer to every clue can be found in the grid, forward, backward, up, down, or diagonally.
A man needs a woman in order to experience the best parts of life (5) | A matchmaking widow returns from Yonkers (9) |
A song about the marvelous weather of Cadbury (7) | A tribute to the Mississippi (12) |
Duet between hero and heroine whose brother he has killed (5) | A writer and his protagonist dispute their relative significance (7) |
Let's pretend to be in love (8) | Chivalrous hero explains his noble cause (8) |
On our heroes' ignorance of the fair sex (8) | In praise of the multiplicative identity (15) |
Questing hero introduces himself (13) | On the virtues of domestic labour (9) |
This evening's entertainment will be light-hearted and end in a marriage (7) | Our adulterous heroine is rescued from the stake (3) |
Thoughts during auditions (5) | Our hero rhapsodizes on his love's name (3) |
Why the Brady Bill had little effect on courting (8) | See if you can recall idyllic autumns (11) |
Why vegetables are superior to children (8) | The unofficial anthem of Broadway (8) |