Captain Red Herring's Buried Pirate Booty

Each island contains multiple decoy treasure chests, and exactly one real one.
- Decoy chests may be small (covering a 1x1 region) or large (covering a 2x2 region).
- Each island may have any number of decoy chests of either size.
- Decoy chests are never adjacent to one another. (Two squares are adjacent if they share a side or a corner.)
- No part of a decoy chest may be buried under a palm tree.
- Each square adjacent to more than one decoy chest is marked with a palm tree. No other squares contain palm trees.
- Each row or column that contains more than one decoy chest is marked with a skull & crossbones. No other rows or columns contain skull & crossbones.
Once the decoy chests have been unearthed, the real treasure chests can be found. Real chests don't follow the rules for decoy chests; rather, the following (and only the following) is true about them.
- Each real treasure chest is small.
- A real treasure chest never appears in the same row or column as a small decoy chest on its island.
- A real treasure chest is never adjacent to a large decoy chest on its island.