This dossier contains a physical exhibit. Please call
HQ and make arrangements to come pick it up.
Dear Miss Manners,
What has become of public decency? It
seems that everywhere I go, I spy people spitting, putting on make-up, or
even shaving their legs!! Why do people insist on doing these things where
they are clearly visible to anyone who might be looking in their direction?
Surely they must have bathrooms of their own. People should think of the
Gentle Reader,
You must be quite eagle-eyed to be observing all these activities.
The sad fact is that many people think that, even though they are in a public
locale, nobody actually sees them. Miss Manners is sure that you would never
dream of making such an error, and that your behavior outside the confines
of your own lavatory is quite impeccable. As to others, Miss Manners will
not try to stop your picking them out from the crowd, but reminds you that
everyone has a special place.
The following additional text appeared once the Dossier
meta had been solved:
Dear Miss Manners,
You wouldn't believe what I saw at Revere on Saturday! Not only was somebody
trying to sun himself during the winter, but he was actually performing
personal acts of dental hygiene on the boardwalk! I must admit, this so incited
me that I grabbed the floss from his hands, and told him that if I ever saw
him doing something like this again, I'd wrap the floss around his throat
and stop him from exposing his gums in public ever again.
I realize that this was a severe breach of etiquette, and I can only blame
the (understandable) agitation from which I was suffering. Now I understand
that the poor, poorly socialized man has been murdered, and MY name has been
brought up as a suspect!! Of course I explained that at the time of the
murder I was in Building 64, explaining to those boors that hacking “Transparent
Horizons” showed great disrespect for a lady sculptor. And they had the
audacity to doubt my veracity! What's a properly brought up girl to do?
Gentle Reader,
Miss Manners would advise retaining a good lawyer.