Follow the instructions to put the technologies that feed the Space Elevator in order to solve the meta: Doors, Plant-Based Ink, ...and Literature, The Scroll, Oratory, Legal System, Agriculture, Carbon Nanotubules, Alchemy, Mathematics, and Gladiatorial Combat. In this order, the puzzle answers are as follows:
These eleven answers have a total of 81 letters. Enter them into the 3×27 grid in the manner suggested by the flavortext: down the first column, up the middle column, and down the third. Once you've done so, each three-letter row will be a three-letter IATA airport code. Enter the location of each airport (not the name) into the set of blanks next to the grid:
CND constAnta OES sanantOniooeste LIT littleRock ORI portLions NFR nAfoora EDF Anchorage LIR libeRia URI Uribe PGE yeGepa KND kIndu EIH einasLeigh ENE Ende POX pariS WTA taMbohorano ANG angoulEme NIO Nioki DMN demiNg EDA ednabaY RAL riverSide IBA ibadaN NDM mEndi GAE gabEs ORR yorKetown RNI corNisland COC coNcordia HCA bigspriNg IDN indaGen
The indicated letters form the 27-letter string AORLAARUGILESMENNYSNEEKNNNG. Repeat the process with those 27 letters: write them in a grid of nine going down, nine going up, and nine going down again. Again each row forms an airport code:
AYS Waycross ONN Onionbay RNE Roanne LEE Leesburg AMK Durango ASN Talladega REN Orenburg ULN Ulanbator GIG Riodejaneiro
The first letters of the locations of these airports spell WORLD TOUR, which is the metapuzzle answer.