The Higher They Climb, the Farther They Fall
Several years after selling the construction company he co-founded, he purchased the two largest real estate companies in the city and, with them and his own real estate holdings, became the biggest landowner in Hamilton County.
His long-time executive assistant was among the first caught up in a corruption scandal where she traded special treatment for event tickets. She was viewed as particularly demanding, asking for tickets to concerts, hockey, and the circus, and emailing that she was "freaking out" when food wasn't in her suite.
After ten years as a high school teacher and administrator in state public schools, he was promoted to head principal in 1963.
He led a delegation that was detained by local authorities when trying to inspect nuclear weapons, after visiting a weapons disposal site. It was an embarrassing standoff where the authorities wanted to search his plane.
When he needed go pick up his yacht, he flew to Alabama with three friends on a state-owned plane and didn't notice ahead of time that the plane wasn't his and he ought to pay for the trip.
Her novel was panned by Kirkus Reviews and Publisher's Weekly as digressive and overly detailed. They weren't so fond of the sequel either, saying it was slow and not engaging.
While in law school, she joined the staff of their Environmental Law Journal (selection is via a writing competition) and later was chosen as one of its top editors.
He recently played the piano on a rerecording of a 1950 hit song. He's studied music since he was four, including a few gigs playing tuba and washboard.
While a lot of people weren't pleased with banks after the recent financial implosion, he was strongly criticized for suggesting some executives commit suicide in repentence.
He's been very focused on his planned career from an early age, and successfully earned all three of the pre-law, Bachelor of Law, and Juris Doctor degrees.
He was elected mayor of his birth city, the first city native to hold that office - the three immediately previous mayors had come from Washington, Minnesota, and Illinois. As mayor he improved the city's bond rating even though the budget was in bad shape when he came into office.
While others were talking about investigations and violations of trust, he publicly supported his more-senior colleague caught in a restroom sex sting and said locals would ignore the allegations - he didn't mention why he was ignoring the guilty plea.
He established a low vision clinic that tests vision and recommends visual aids for students at public schools and a school for the blind.
He couldn't even eat dinner in peace: he was booed out of a pizza restaurant near his home. The owner said the woman complaining had just had too much to drink, but that doesn't explain the other patrons who joined in.
He's involved with secretive religious organization that taught him Jesus didn't come to bring peace and that looked the other way at members' extramarital affairs.
He has paid (overpaid?) his daughter-in-law hundreds of thousands of dollars to raise money for him - almost $100K a year out of his $240K yearly budget.
He founded a clinic to provide eye exams and surgery to people who can't afford them, and he has been a longtime member of a service club with extensive programs around sight.
He was forced to apologize after he said sexually active unmarried women and gay people shouldn't be allowed to teach in public schools. It was only an apology for stepping on the toes of school boards that make hiring decisions, he said.
He received the Distinguished Achievement Award, which is named after an Atlanta appeals court judge who enforced Brown v Board of Education, from his fraternity in 1996.
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