Good Times in the Casino
Craps Man thinks that an additional shuffle makes the game more interesting.
- 1. "Saturday Night Live" creator's art/sex mash-up (6)
- 4. Takes back free mail alternatives (4)
- 6. Riddle epiphany: short stretches of time constitute a period lasting 54 million years (8)
- 13. Congolese language is polite (7)
- 14. Lazulite-hued waters filling cube (7)
- 15. One way to extend a list on purpose (5)
- 16. Impressionist drawing in gallery's top ten percent (5)
- 17. "Stomach bug," he claims, peculiarly (8)
- 20. Fringe elements of seminar expelled, returning in a low grade; I go too (6)
- 22. Walk-ons audition for average commercials (7)
- 25. Station that knows: drama is crap (5)
- 26. Not for the first time, photograph family: middle age (7)
- 27. Rear port (6)
- 28. Barrow dweller's poor relation (8)
- 29. Noisily root for determined resistance effort (5)
- 32. Reach further by conserving power, first turning upside down (5)
- 33. Nailed enormous bird, left result without reservations? (7)
- 36. Had a child, possibly dependent (7)
- 38. Out-of-control Greek women queue left and right before Helen's launch (4, 4)
- 39. Asparagus: maybe an illegal substance, informally (4)
- 40. Selecting attractive object (6)
- 1. Error—use acid on a metal? Hydrogen escapes (3)
- 2. Illness cards, that have prognostic value (5)
- 3. No end to committee; heads of arts and sciences like so many low-budget entertainments (5)
- 4. Having flip-flopped, authoritarian lost Massachusetts in exchange for Madoff's final cry of pain: "Communist" (3)
- 5. Element 13.1 (a), two hairpins linked together twice (3)
- 7. Name novel "The First Junkie" (4)
- 8. "Getting It," an article essential to calm an actor (7)
- 9. Not do well, back in 1996: musical soundtrack was a hit; I lost inventory initially (7)
- 10. "Missing for College," a movie about Rio slums (4, 2, 3)
- 11. Imaginary counterpart in terrible mishap (7)
- 12. Of the East L.A. turf leader, following very loudly with everyone (4, 4)
- 16. Beheading lacks axes (9)
- 18. Tossed grenade at parting Socialist dictator (8)
- 19. Clamping tool coming after head of Han Solo (5)
- 21. Important, holy Rip Torn (1, 6)
- 23. In road rage; terminally angry (7)
- 24. Tea-Party-supporting billionaire brother heard odd, odd tape (7)
- 29. In the opera, he sings a female part in rehearsal, salaciously (5)
- 30. Entertaining dip partway up Niagara (5)
- 31. Run into major difficulties with picnic invaders (4)
- 34. Sure shot cutting a bear in half (3)
- 35. A yell that frightens, a noisy cry of fear (3)
- 37. Tide levels may be predicted by this one, missing from wash (3)