Friday, 11:41am - In an effort to let teams get back to their headquarters and set up, we are going to make the puzzle server live at 12:47. Thanks for your patience.
Friday, 1:49pm - We, the Metaphysical Fungus Event Planners, would like to welcome you to participate in the many royal wedding events scheduled this weekend. The first event will begin promptly at 6 PM this Friday evening. Please visit the events page for further details.
Friday, 2:55pm - An error was detected in the puzzle "Rivalries" in World 1-1. The error has been corrected; please refresh your browser if you're working on this puzzle. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Friday, 4:06pm - I'm afraid I've got another puzzle error to report. In the puzzle "Karaoke Night", the 22d timestamp should be 1:28-1:38, not 1:28-1:14. Apologies for the confusion!
Saturday, 2:56am - This message is just to let you know that the events page has been newly updated with lots of fresh information. To learn more about all the fun and exciting royal wedding events, please visit the events page to view the revised schedule. Of particular note, we have released the full details for the engineering challenge and additional information about the costume party. You may wish to begin work on these now, and we look forward to seeing you later at the events!