Sages Style (Solution)
by Gaurav Singh, Ben Kraft, and Josh Alman
The puzzle video consists of clips from many different Gangnam Style parodies. Notably missing is the MIT Gangnam style parody. Each given clue refers uniquely to a part of the MIT video during the time when one of the parodies is playing. They each give a number which can be indexed into the parody names to give the phrase WHAT ARE DRAWN ON THE HAYDEN BOARDS. In the MIT video, there are GRAPHS drawn on the boards outside Hayden library, which is the answer (also clued by the six blanks in the video title).
The parodies, in order, are:
- Rewind Youtube Style
- NASA Johnson Style
- Vegas Style
- Mitt Romney Style
- Obama Style
- Pandaren Style
- James Bond Style
- Grandad Style
- Lifeguard Style
- Bogart Style
- New York Style
- OB/GYNE Style
- Klingon Style
- Kim Jong Style
- Hitler Style
- Gotham Style
- Eastern Europe Style
- Chicago Style
- Spartan Style
- Ramsay Style
- Gandalf Style
- Minnesota Style
- Minecraft Style
- NBC Olympic Style
- MiKo Style
- Orange Nya Nya Style
- Farmer Style
- London Style
- Sukkos Style
The answers to the clues are:
- Number at last digit of school of science conference room number + 4 = 7
- Number of animals who wish they had a defibrillator = 2
- Number of bases in a short fragment / 140 = 5
- Number of blackjacks + 1 = 4
- Number of boat that I keep finding tasty + 1 = 3
- Number of chairs stolen from the nearby athena cluster - 2 = 7
- Number of cheerleaders - 12 = 3
- Number of ducks * 4 = 4
- Number of frat boys at 460 beacon st = 6
- Number of helicopters + 4 = 5
- Number of horse nose rings * 3 = 3
- Number of lab coats with ties * 2 = 6
- Number of lions * 2 = 4
- Number of logs / 3 = 6
- Number of monitors on the bookshelves = 5
- Number of origami hats + 5 = 8
- Number of people chasing a panda / 2 = 5
- Number of people on a boat that's going (fast) and... - 3 = 4
- Number of pokes + 2 = 6
- Number of pole dancers / 4 = 3
- Number of poses in front of our community = 4
- Number of protons in a nucleus of the man on the bottom / 13 = 2
- Number of puppets * 2 = 4
- Number of quidditch players - 1 = 3
- Number of raised pistols = 4
- Number of seconds I lie on him = 3
- Number of tennis serves / 3 = 6
- Number of yellow swim caps * 3 = 6
- Number on blue jersey + 4 = 5