Symphony from the Old World
by Robyn Speer; idea by Charles Steinhardt
Each of these sentences has a word or phrase that doesn't make sense, because we're actually dropping in a translation of an unrelated word from a different language that is typed using the same keys. The languages form a chain in the order they are given, starting at English (typed in Dvorak) and ending at Bulgarian, with English QWERTY in the middle.
The words that don't make sense are marked with parentheses.
You get ugly artifacts if you save a screenshot as a .(raw) file. => You get ugly artifacts if you save a screenshot as a .jpg file. Dvorak 'jpg' is the same keys as Portuguese 'cru' = English 'raw' Nick pum usa um tapa-olho. [Nick (fart) wears an eyepatch.] => Nick Fury usa um tapa-olho. [Nick Fury wears an eyepatch.] Portuguese* 'Fury' is the same keys as German 'Furz' = Portuguese 'pum' * Yes, we are presuming that the name 'Nick Fury' in Portuguese is 'Nick Fury'. Die Zimmer sind mit ätherischen Warten parfümiert. [Rooms are scented with essential (wait).] => Die Zimmer sind mit ätherischen Ölen parfümiert. [Rooms are scented with essential oils.] German 'Ölen' is the same keys as Russian 'Ждут' = German 'Warten' Мы начнём тренировки как только наступит ненависть. [We'll start training as soon as (hatred) starts.] => Мы начнём тренировки как только наступит лето. [We'll start training as soon as summer starts.] Russian 'лето' is the same keys as Persian 'نفرت' = Russian 'ненависть' ممن مي خواهم عضويتم را إز خبر نامه سالن ورزش كنم. [I want to (exercise hall) subscribe the newsletter.] => من مي خواهم عضويتم را إز خبر نامه لغو كنم. [I want to unsubscribe from the newsletter.] Persian 'لغو' is the same keys as English 'gym' = Persian 'سالن ورزش' I'm feeling a bit (hmm). => I'm feeling a bit ill. English 'ill' is the same keys as Arabic 'ﻪﻤﻣ' = English 'hmm' أحيانا الفريق الأحسن ليس هو الذي حليب جوز الهند. [Sometimes the best team is not the one that (coconut milk).] => أحيانا الفريق الأحسن ليس هو الذي يفوز. [Sometimes the best team is not the one that wins.] Arabic ' يفوز' is the same keys as Thai 'กะทิ' = Arabic حليب جوز الهند วิญญาณฉันทำให้ฉันรำคาญ [My (soul) makes me annoyed.] => พี่ฉันทำให้ฉันรำคาญ [My older sibling makes me annoyed.] Thai 'พี่' is the same keys as Hebrew 'רוח' = Thai 'วิญญาณ' אנחנו צורכים מוצרי חלב עם אחוז דרך אגב נמוך. [We consume dairy products with low (by the way) percentage.] => אנחנו צורכים מוצרי חלב עם אחוז שומן נמוך. [We consume dairy products with low fat percentage.] Hebrew 'שומן' is the same keys as Japanese 'ちなみに' = Hebrew 'דרך אגב' ジャケットは軽くて管理するだ。 [The jacket is lightly (manages).] => ジャケットは軽くて着易いだ。 [The jacket is light and easy to wear.] Japanese '着易い' = 'きやすい' is the same keys as French 'gère' = Japanese '管理する' Le chaque rassemble le blé en gerbe. [The (each) gathers the wheat sheaf.] => Le lieur rassemble le blé en gerbe. [The linker gathers the wheat sheaf.] French 'lieur' is the same keys as Bulgarian 'всеки' = French 'chaque'
Here are the keys you press to spell the changed words in all these sentences:
Qwerty Dvorak ------ ------ cru jpg Fury Ugpf :len Sn.b ktnj tybh gym ifm ill cnn dtmb eymx ruj pgh auni agbc g7re i7p. lieur
The first English text that appears is in Dvorak. Read the first keys you press in Dvorak in the ordered answers and it spells JUSTICEPAIN, which is the answer.