Lojicomix (Solution)
by Robyn Speer and Alex Rozenshteyn; art by DD Liu
# la'e dei na jitfa ijo lo danfu le salpo li pa sumji le salpo cu lidne lo danfu
Put together the jumbled comics to form comics in which the human says a logical paradox.
The titles that appear above the second panels are used for extraction.
# Title Paradox 1. "Ckini jufra" .i la'e di'e jitfa .i / la'e di'u jetnu ["Related sentences"] [The next statement is false. The previous statement is true.] 2. "zDile tcica" .i mi jifsku / dei ["Amusing liar"] [I am lying in this sentence.] 3. "ciPra co klesi" .i xu le selcmi be lo'i ckaji be lo ka ce'u / na cmima ri cu cmima vo'a ["Subset test"] [Is the set of all things that aren't members of themselves a member of itself?] 4. "samPu mupli" .i la'e dei / jitfa ["Simple example"] [This sentence is false.] 5. "pa loGji ke purdi pluta" .i ko pensi lo xanto / .ijo ko spoja ["A logical garden path"] [Think of an elephant, if and only if you explode.] 6. "flalu Be fu la .azimov." .i ko na tinbe / lo se tinbe be fi mi ["Asimov's law"] [Do not obey my commands.] 7. "ko ca zi Jdice" .i xu lo natfe be dei cu / danfu dei noi preti ["Decide right now"] [Will you answer this question in the negative?] 8. "e'o ca guSni" .i xu la cevni ka'e cupra lo bangu poi lo ni ke'a pluja ku banzu / le nu cy na ka'e tavla fo ke'a ["Let there be light"] [Can God create a language so complicated that he can't speak it?] 9. "frica salPo" .i da cu liste lo'i ro mrena'u .i le da / salpo poi saclu cu te sumji li pi ra'e ci de .i de zvati ma ne'i da ["Different diagonal"] [X is a list of all real numbers. Its diagonal (which is a decimal) plus .333... is Y. Where is Y inside X?] 10. "zmadu pa goTro" .i ma dilcu li vo / li no ["More than a septillion"] [What is 4 divided by 0?] 11. "cinri traji Be fo ro namcu"] .i li xo du lo cmarai be lo'i mulna'u poi lo su'e / pa mu lojbo valsi na skicu ke'a ["Most interesting number of all"] [What is the smallest number that cannot be described in 15 Lojban words?] 12. "ti bancu le do Jimte" .i ko pensi lo namcu poi traji lo ka barda kei fo lo'i namcu poi do ka'e pensi .i ma / sumji li pa le se go'i ["This exceeds your limits"] [Think of the largest number you can think of. What is that plus 1?]
The words following the panel break, when put in order, are:
la'e dei na jitfa .ijo lo danfu le salpo li pa sumji [This sentence is true if and only if the answer is the sum of the diagonal and one.]
Which is a convoluted way of saying
The answer is the diagonal plus one.
When you take the letters on the diagonal of the titles -- keeping in mind that ' is a fully-fledged letter in Lojban -- you get:
Add one to the diagonal, by taking the following letter of the Lojban alphabet (which has no H or Q), to get the answer: