Quotes appearing in the puzzle pages are from people (real or fictional) who share a name with one of the twelve Apollo astronauts who have walked on the moon. In the case of the two Als, the quotes come from near the beginning and near the end of same song to disambiguate their order.
Each answer describes a shape that is of a letter in Moon type. Read in order of the corresponding Apollo astronauts, the letters spell the answer RUN OVER A BUMP.
Quote | Speaker | Apollo astronaut | Answer | Letter |
"Let me tell you something about full moons: kids don't care about full moons." | Neil DeGrasse Tyson | Neil Armstrong | BENDLET | R |
"I think the word you're searching for is 'Space Ranger'." | Buzz Lightyear | Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin | GRIN | U |
"All at once the moon clouded over - we heard a gurgling cry..." | Pete Seeger | Charles "Pete" Conrad | CUBIC FUNCTION | N |
"Things just haven't been the same since the flying saucer came." | "Weird" Al Yankovic | Alan Bean | BIG WHEEL | O |
"Hide the children, lock the door, and always watch the skies." | "Weird" Al Yankovic | Alan "Al" Shepard | RABBIT EARS | V |
"You're the ruler of the galaxy! Show a little taste!" | Ed Wood | Edgar "Ed" Mitchell | GAMMA | E |
"My god, it's full of stars." | Dave Bowman | David "Dave" Scott | BACKSLASH | R |
"This is a very relative question. I mean, if I were in space, I'd be weightless." | Jim Ignatowski | James "Jim" Irwin | DUNCE CAP | A |
"We all shine on, like the moon, the stars, and the sun." | John Lennon | John W. Young | SHI | B |
"It's obvious I have no actual choice here. How about we save some time and just go to the freakin' moon?" | Charlie the Unicorn | Charles "Charlie" Duke | BOWL | U |
"If you've never been to the moon, you can't issue policy about the moon." | Gene Simmons | Eugene "Gene" Cernan | LEFT TURN | M |
"When the moon tells you something, believe it." | Jack Frost | Harrison "Jack" Schmitt | QUARTER AFTER ONE | P |