In Bilbo's brave march around Middle Earth, he came across a magical ring with a peculiar property.
- •Common resource in Minecraft
Tweaks again - •Annoying little brats
Wild stallion - •Giant of the Giants
Big names - •Part of a sidecar
Workshop tool - •Marriott competitor
Alone - •In the worst way
Cosmos explorers, for short - •Hot drink
Sounds about right (2 wds) - •Muddied
Bell sound - •In addition
It was named in a coin flip - •Video game level playable before release, maybe
Provide funding for - •Dumbbell cover (2 wds)
Let one's voice be heard - •Goes back and forth
Voice of the Iron Giant - •Didn't charge (2 wds)
You might strike one
- How Frodo refers to Bilbo
His tomb has a sculpture of his favorite mathematical proof
Earth, to Merkel
Bug that rot-13's to itself backwards
Has as a total (2 wds)
Without any money promised (2 wds)
Card game released as a spin-off of UNO
Add to the team - Stud, e.g.
Walk with confidence
Nuts, pollen, etc.
Frosh, in a year
Like some conference calls (hyph.)
Soul singer Bryson - Look over again
"Leave already!" (2 wds)
It may leave tanlines on your feet
Rare magical item, e.g., in fantasy stories
Talk with your hands
Melissa McCarthy movie - Like the people of Lilliput
Asian currency
High-tech security measure (2 wds)
Hot drink - They're often worn with kufis
Cosmos explorers - First aid kit contents
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