The MIT Mystery Hunt is a puzzlehunt competition that takes place on the MIT campus every year during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend. The hunt challenges each participating team to solve a large number of puzzles which lead to an object (called a "coin") hidden somewhere on campus. The winning team gets to write the subsequent year's hunt.
Mystery Hunt was launched in 1981 and is widely regarded as one of the oldest and most complex puzzlehunts in the world. It attracts more than 2,000 people every year and has inspired similar competitions at universities, companies and cities around the world.
This site serves as a record of the Mystery Hunt's history and an archive of past hunts. We hope that it inspires you to join in on the fun and become a master puzzle solver.
If you are just starting as a puzzle solver, welcome! Check out the "Resources For Beginners" to read about the art of puzzle solving and get started with a few hand-selected puzzles, and take a look at "Puzzle tools and how-tos" for links to various tools that make the process easier.
If you'd like to receive updates about the MIT Mystery Hunt, you can subscribe to the mailing list.
Support the MIT Mystery Hunt
The Mystery Hunt is an ASA-recognized group (reach the student club at which receives some funding from Finboard, the Large Events Fund, and other sources at MIT. The group also typically fundraises annually to help cover the costs associated with creating, producing, and running an activity of this size and scope. With your support, we can put the Mystery Hunt in a more stable financial position for the future.
As an MIT student activity, we can accept donations to our operating fund through MIT's donation mechanism. If you would like to donate, you may do so at the link above. Any money that you donate will go into the student group's account and will help defray the cost of this year's Hunt. Any surpluses from this year will roll over to future Hunts. If you or your company would like to make a non-monetary donation to the Mystery Hunt (server space, food for event puzzles, caffeine pills to keep us awake) please email and let us know how you wish to help.
MIT Mystery Hunt / Puzzle Club is the official student group that works alongside each year's writing team to oversee and run Mystery Hunt, one of the world's largest puzzle hunts. Throughout the rest of the year, we put on a bunch of puzzling events for the MIT community such as puzzling magazine solves, crossword sessions, and whatever else our members are interested in, usually alongside lunch or snacks. We try to keep our members in the loop with the puzzling community and give them more friends to puzzle with.
We would love to have you join! Please reach out with any questions. If you're an MIT affiliate, you can add yourself to our lists to hear more.
- Reach us at
- Join our event announcement list:
- Join our club list:
- View the next events at Google Calendar.
Rebecca Chang
Rachel Ai
Wesley "Adalbert Zollern" Zhang
Publicity Chair
Ella Sheffield
Event Planner
Aloysius Ng
Event Planner
Riley Kong
Here is our calendar of events! Google Calendar link here.