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Committee on the New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare

Function: Sets policy and exercises broad control of the New Variorum Shakespeare project, under which New Variorum editions of Shakespeare's works are published by the association.

Staff contact:

Michael R. Best, 2011–15
Barbara Hodgdon, 2010–14
Alexander C. Y. Huang, 2011–15
Richard A. J. Knowles, 1992– (ex officio)
Katherine A. Rowe, 2010–14
James R. Siemon, 2008–12
Valerie Wayne, 2008–12; 2011–12 (Ch.)
Paul Werstine, 1997– (ex officio)
W. B. Worthen, 2008–12


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© 2011 Modern Language Association. Last updated 11/07/2011.