Total ASMs Produced per Dollar of Total Pilot Compensation
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
American                   107.9                   104.2                     90.3                     86.3                     84.5                     75.4                     71.7                      70.3                      76.2                      86.7                      89.7                     91.2                     90.3                     89.6                     86.2                     86.4                     84.8                     93.5                      92.9                      84.6                      66.5                      62.6                      57.5                      55.7                      53.4                      29.3
Continental                   131.6                   123.7                   114.4                     93.3                     92.4                     93.3                     93.1                   113.3                      88.2                      96.5                   109.1                   121.2                   120.6                   119.3                   108.5                   114.6                   107.4                         -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -  
Delta                     86.9                     76.0                     92.7                     96.6                     95.9                     83.8                     74.7                      66.0                      54.7                      59.2                      84.7                     98.2                   129.3                   121.0                   105.9                     93.2                     90.3                     84.5                      73.5                      70.4                      67.3                      58.3                      55.9                      55.6                      54.4                      29.6
Northwest                     88.6                     96.0                     98.9                     87.8                     89.9                     91.2                     81.4                      78.4                      70.5                      71.8                      75.0                     97.1                   104.5                   106.6                     82.0                         -                           -                           -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -  
United                   116.5                   108.1                     99.6                     96.4                     95.3                     85.2                     70.0                      64.5                      88.3                   105.2                   127.1                   128.4                   125.4                   114.5                   108.1                   113.6                   121.8                   105.7                      86.0                      73.3                      74.4                      66.1                      64.8                      61.7                      60.4                      27.6
US Airways                     65.4                     58.6                     55.3                     58.7                     53.7                     57.0                     51.5                      49.7                      61.5                      74.6                   109.8                     77.9                     70.6                   101.0                   102.6                   107.4                   108.3                   109.4                   109.7                      81.4                          -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -  
American West                   168.9                   156.5                   150.3                   142.7                   139.6                   130.5                   124.4                   131.4                   122.4                   114.9                   114.9                         -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -  
 --sub Network                     98.9                     93.1                     92.0                     89.2                     87.6                     81.7                     73.4                      70.9                      73.2                      81.3                      96.1                   102.3                   103.4                   106.6                     97.6                     98.9                     97.6                     95.6                      85.2                      75.6                      69.2                      62.2                      59.2                      57.5                      55.9                      28.9
Southwest                   130.8                   130.4                   127.1                   125.5                   121.7                   130.3                   124.7                   118.8                      99.7                      94.4                      90.3                     82.7                     86.3                     83.6                     76.9                     70.6                     70.2                     70.5                      68.7                      65.0                      58.8                      57.1                      54.2                      54.1                      48.9                      29.4
AirTran                         -                           -                           -                     156.4                   146.9                   119.4                   100.4                   104.0                   105.8                   106.6                   111.2                   114.7                   118.1                   117.5                   112.7                   106.7                     94.5                         -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -                            -  
jetBlue                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                          0.1                          -                            -                          0.2                       7.4                     11.2                     14.7                     13.9                     13.4                     13.0                     13.0                      12.5                      11.4                        9.5                        8.8                        8.1                        6.7                        5.8                        2.0
Alaska                   115.1                   109.7                     96.2                     90.0                     86.2                     81.6                     73.2                      71.2                      66.4                      67.6                      77.0                     85.6                     86.2                     94.0                     70.0                     83.0                     82.8                     82.9                      82.1                      80.0                      82.5                      84.4                      77.8                      70.2                      67.6                      42.1
Virgin America                         -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                            -                            -                            -                            -                           -                           -                           -                     191.2                   174.9                   168.8                   159.7                   138.9                   115.0                   100.2                   100.5                      79.2                          -                            -                            -  
Hawaiian                   151.6                   173.1                   178.1                   183.2                   175.5                   173.3                   145.8                      99.7                   111.1                   109.0                   122.9                   127.4                   151.0                   141.7                   116.4                   112.8                   117.0                   110.1                   112.9                   119.3                   109.3                   111.4                      94.9                      88.0                      83.6                      32.2
 --sub LCC                   128.2                   130.2                   123.5                   119.1                   115.8                   117.5                   107.1                      98.3                      85.9                      82.7                      83.1                     79.2                     81.8                     83.0                     73.5                     70.2                     69.4                     67.0                      64.8                      61.0                      55.6                      54.9                      51.6                      49.2                      44.7                      26.0
Allegiant                         -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                           -                            -                            -                            -                            -                     229.6                   210.6                   185.0                   191.5                   155.6                   133.3                   147.6                   138.1                   122.5                   117.0                      97.6                      72.1                      70.6                      75.2                      63.9
Frontier                         -                           -                           -                     182.4                   194.0                   159.9                   119.6                      99.1                   104.3                   115.6                   125.9                   128.3                   132.5                   141.3                   141.3                   132.2                   125.9                   142.4                   129.4                   106.2                      85.6                      93.7                   108.3                      75.9                      80.5                      47.8
Spirit                         -                           -                           -                           -                     184.0                   168.3                   171.4                   177.5                   160.4                   147.2                   115.2                   108.5                   134.9                   133.0                   131.7                   115.6                   110.3                   107.9                   114.6                   110.4                   114.1                   114.3                   120.4                      94.6                      84.9                      52.7
 -- sub Other                         -                           -                           -                     312.4                   189.1                   166.1                   141.2                   130.5                   130.4                   137.1                   134.7                   129.7                   141.2                   144.2                   146.6                   130.9                   121.6                   128.3                   124.5                   111.5                   103.4                   103.1                   102.4                      82.6                      81.5                      53.2
Total All Sectors                   100.9                     95.7                     94.5                     91.7                     90.1                     84.8                     76.6                      74.0                      75.3                      82.1                      94.3                     98.3                     99.7                   101.8                     92.4                     92.0                     90.4                     88.2                      80.4                      72.7                      66.6                      61.6                      58.7                      56.5                      54.2                      29.5
Notes:  The full effect of each Delta's and Northwest's restructuring of financials and operations are not fully reflected in 2006.
Pilot Cost includes: salaries and wages, benefits and pensions, payroll taxes and personnel expenses impacted by collective bargaining terms. Does not include profit sharing not reported in Schedule P-5.2