Department of Architecture

This is a Department of Architecture with the professional Master of Architecture degree program as its core activity. The faculty includes architects, urbanists, building technologists, historians of art and architecture, artists, and various specialists in areas of architectural research. The presence of this entire range of faculty is premised on assuring a professional program of both depth and breadth. The strength and well being of the Master of Architecture program is fundamental in maintaining and enhancing our position as one of the world's most respected professional schools of architecture.

The department is quite unusual in, first, including the many disciplines of our faculty within the department, and then, still more significantly, creating the opportunity for each discipline to have specialized advanced degree programs. We incorporate outstanding research and teaching programs in each of these groups: Building Technology; History, Theory and Criticism; Visual Arts; and the internally differentiated Architectural Design group. Under the last rubric, beyond the obvious attention to architectural design, are our programs in urban design, computation and design, shape grammars, and design technology. We have been gratified to see excellent design work by our undergraduates in recent years. Notable strengths of the department that cut across the discipline groups are our devoted teaching, the grounding of architecture in both social and material issues, interdisciplinarity, and the remarkable internationalism of faculty, students, teaching and research.

The discussion below is organized by discipline group, followed by individual topics that cross discipline areas.

The statement below was prepared for the accreditation of our professional architectural design degree, but also emphasizes the interconnecting roles of all discipline areas in the department.

Our Goals in Architectural Education

It is a commonplace that new theories and new technologies are changing our conception of what architecture can do and how architects conceive their tasks and accomplish them. The unique position of the MIT Department of Architecture is that we survey the development of theory from a decades-old departmental commitment to viewing such developments through the long lens of the history of criticism. We also view technology within an Institute which for a half-century has profoundly shaped and investigated technology's role in society. So we are open to—indeed are enthusiastic about—new technologies and theories. But we also feel impelled to test the results of our designing against long-held social and environmental values. As we embrace new conceptions of architecture, we demand of ourselves that our designs have the qualities of space, light, air, tectonic soundness, and place that allow for appropriate, even poetic, inhabitation.

During 2000–2001 a committee broadly representing the department discipline groups re-organized the MArch curriculum. Notable emphases of this new curriculum are increased emphasis on design, greater integration of subjects from different disciplines taken in the same term, and a stronger model for the selection and development of "concentrations." In the fall of 2001, entering graduate students took part in a program that integrated all their subjects, with the architectural design studio at the center. While any new approach requires further development, this experiment was deemed highly successful.

Beginning students (undergraduate and graduate) build up modeling and drawing skills (conventional and digital) in subjects conceived for those purposes and by focusing those skills on an expanding range of ideas that the students must synthesize in their studio projects. The first semester of Level II extends the core studio sequence for graduates and qualified undergraduates with a focus on tectonics—the making and the resultant expression of construction and architecture. We continue the core sequence into the spring term of Level II. During that same term, MArch students develop a "concentration," a particular field of inquiry, which they continue to pursue through closely focused design "workshops" and coursework in this and other departments.

Having "graduated" from the core sequence, MArch students in Level III choose that combination of diverse studio offerings which best meets their individual needs and desires. The insights gained in these studios and the concentration culminate, in the final semester, with the MArch students' theses.

Special opportunities for project-generated student travel are a continuing strength of the department. Shun Kanda again led an extended summer study trip in Japan. This year the fall urban design studio was set in Cambridge, England, with sponsorship from the Cambridge/MIT Institute. Jan Wampler and Dennis Frenchman are currently conducting their biennial summer workshop at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Reinhard Goethert led a group of students to Venezuela. Thanks to the generosity of alumni (Ann Macy Beha, Louis Rosenberg, John Schlossman), students also pursue individual research studies in the United States and abroad.

The Themes We Pursue to Accomplish Our Goals

A hallmark of studio education at MIT is that instructors propose to their students not merely a project but a process by which that design might be accomplished. Our faculty employ a shared set of themes as vehicles for advancing their pedagogies. Here are those themes, not imposed by departmental fiat, but observed and endorsed by all of us in mutual consultation.

Planning Committee

A departmental planning committee met throughout the spring term. We have already begun to act on its three primary proposals:

Faculty Matters

Ann Pendleton-Jullian was on leave spring term. Paul Lukez was on leave fall term. Michael McKinnell also was on leave for the year. Anne Spirn received the 2001 International Cosmos Prize, which recognizes achievements in promoting the concept of "Harmonious Coexistence of Nature and Mankind." Retired Professor of Architecture Imre Halasz was named a fellow of the American Institute of Architects. J. Meejin Yoon received a HASS grant for her project "Between Bodies and Selves." Yoon also was named a New York Architectural League Young Architects winner.


The noted Indian architect and MIT alumnus Charles Correa continued his annual one-term position teaching in the urban design studio with Julian Beinart and John de Monchaux. We had an excellent cast of visiting studio faculty including Marlon Blackwell, Carol Burns, Brian Healy, Alan Joslin, Valeria Mazarakis, and Hubert Murray. John Gero and Mary Lou Maher received one-year visiting appointments beginning in the spring, to teach in the area of computation and design. Francis Duffy began a three-year appointment as visiting professor to participate in the workplace-related research and teaching led by William Porter.


Students in our professional MArch degree program are admitted at two levels: those (Level I) who come from undergraduate studies in other areas and those (Level II) who come from undergraduate programs in architecture and thus receive one year of advanced standing in our three-and-a-half year graduate program. For the past two years our admissions have been consistently strong. In 2001 we significantly exceeded our target enrollment without going to our waiting list (37 acceptances from 70 admits with a goal of 28). In 2002, we reduced our goal (to compensate for the heavy 2001 enrollment) and our admittances. The result was 28 acceptances from 61 admits, with a goal of 26. Students applying and admitted at Level I come almost wholly from the most prestigious private colleges and universities. As usual our principal competitor was Harvard, with Yale strengthening in recent years. Most of the students admitted at Level II come from major public universities, here and abroad. Harvard is the main competitor here as well.


Research interests of faculty in architectural design include sustainability (Andrew Scott); shape grammars (George Stiny); computational synthesis and supporting digital technologies (Terry Knight); "Enterprising Places," a study of how to support spin-offs of university-industry collaborations (William Porter and others through the Cambridge/MIT Institute); digital technologies and their impacts on architecture, urban design, and urban life (William Mitchell); computational representation and modeling of architecture (Takehiko Nagakura); computational and physical environment to support collaboration among geographically distributed groups and individuals (William Porter); design in developing countries (Jan Wampler, Reinhard Goethert); urban design (Charles Correa, Michael Dennis, Julian Beinart); urban morphology (Paul Lukez); the American landscape (William Hubbard); cities and landscape, photographic representation of landscape (Ann Spirn); computer-enhanced housing of the future—House_n and Changing Places (Kent Larson); materials and fabrication methods as generators of new design possibilities (Yoon). Research has been well represented in publications, including books, book chapters, and journal articles, and news articles.

Design and Computation

The Design and Computation group, incorporating Design Technology, continued to build its unique, wide-ranging strengths from foundational work in computation theory to practical applications of computation in architectural design to inquiries into the design process and the impact of digital technologies on society and space. The group is increasing in faculty size and efforts are underway to enhance the visibility and prominence of the area, with a proposal to establish a separate discipline group within the department, and to increase its potential contributions to the professional program. The group sponsored a lecture series, hosted two internationally distinguished visitors, and mentored a talented group of graduate students. Plans are underway to launch a new international conference series on Design Computing and Cognition. A search is being conducted for a junior-level faculty member who focuses on applications of research to design at the frontiers of design practice. Lawrence Sass, recently appointed as assistant professor, will add to the current faculty's range of work with his focus on the emerging area of digital fabrication.

Architectural Practice

Established practices are conducted by Julian Beinart in association with Charles Correa, Michael Dennis, and Michael McKinnell. Smaller practices include those of Fernando Domeyko, Shun Kanda, Paul Lukez, Ann Pendleton-Jullian, Wellington Reiter, Andrew Scott, Peter Testa, and Jan Wampler.

Professional Associations

The department has established special relationships with several international firms considered among the most notable in the world and continues to explore additional opportunities. Students were accepted for internships or workshops with Renzo Piano Workshop in Paris (Jason Hart), Behnisch and Partner in Stuttgart (Pamela Campbell), Glenn Murcutt Workshop in Australia (Jeff Taylor), "Ghost Workshop" with Bryan McKay-Lyons in Nova Scotia (Josh Barandon), and Takenaka in Japan (Aaron Greene).

Institutional Association

The department welcomed two graduate exchange students from the University of Cambridge for the academic year and two undergraduate exchange students from The Technical University of Delft for the fall term.

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Building Technology

The Building Technology (BT) group continues a strong research record and specialized graduate instruction. Critical reflection is being directed toward enhanced teaching both at the undergraduate and professional architecture levels.

Program Activities

John Fernandez was the principal designer of the September 11 memorial at MIT. He was awarded a HASS Award from the Institute for a proposal titled "The glass wall—a search for structural and expressive potential in a laminated glass composite" and presented papers at the National ACSA Technology Conference and the High Performance Structures and Composites Conference. The BT group is continuing its collaboration with Cambridge University on sustainable buildings and natural ventilation as part of the Cambridge/MIT Institute (CMI). Several MIT students spent time at a large commercial site in the UK carrying out detailed monitoring of a new large commercial building. They were able to show several steps to substantially reduce energy consumption. Cambridge University and MIT faculty jointly conducted a course at MIT in June for designers and technologists on sustainable building design. Andrew Scott conducted a design studio around one of the main CMI projects, a new headquarters for the BP Aberdeen operation. The BT group also continued their joint program with the Alliance for Global Sustainability, Chalmers University and ETH, along with Tsinghua University. In the newest phase they are helping to prepare sustainable guidelines for Chinese residential buildings. The BT group is also continuing its work with Harvard University on the new portal MIT has developed some real-time tools that designers can use to evaluate the performance of sustainable building designs. John Fernandez organized a year-long lecture series on "The Science, Economics and Policy of Sustainable Strategies." Speakers included Anne Spirn, Andrew Hall, Daniel Schrag, Ronald Prinn, Vivien Li, Linda Haar, Stephanie Pollack, Nicolas Ashford, Kenneth Wright, and Ruth Wright.

Faculty Matters

Leon Glicksman was on leave in the spring term working on the CMI project in Cambridge, UK. Qingyan Chen left MIT at the end of the academic year to accept a position at Purdue University. John Fernandez was named to the Class of 1957 Career Development Professorship for a three-year term commencing 1 July 2002. Barry Webb, noted Australian lighting designer, and Carl Rosenberg of Acentech teamed again to teach lighting and acoustics. Austin Parsons also taught again in the fall term as a visiting assistant professor. Natalia Cardelino and David Whitney were lecturers in the fall and spring, respectively. John Ochsendort, appointed a year ago and having completed his PhD at Cambridge University, has already arrived to begin the 2002–2003 academic year.

Institutional Association

As noted under research, BT is involved in a long-term program under the Cambridge/MIT Institute. Research work continues with Tsinghua University and members of the Alliance for Global Sustainability.

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History, Theory, and Criticism

The faculty and graduate students of the History, Theory, and Criticism (HTC) group continue a strong record of research, conference participation, and publication. Graduates of the advanced degree programs continue to receive excellent teaching positions throughout the world.

Program Goals

Five PhD and two SMArchS degree candidates graduated over the academic year and two PhD candidates successfully defended their dissertations. Fifty-four total applications (46 PhD, eight SMArchS) were received. Four PhD candidates accepted enrollment for fall 2002. A continuing program goal is to update the primary HTC seminar room with connections to the MIT web systems and access to the Rotch Visual Collection. It is important to the future of HTC that it have a visual resource for teaching and study equivalent to those being developed at other great institutions where architectural and art history is taught. This will require acquisition of a digital cataloguing system and investment in staff time to create a database of images to match the standard of the excellent slide collection built up over the department's long history.

Program Activities

The HTC Forum lecture series hosted Hilde Heynen, Daniel Abramson, Natalie Jeremijenko in fall 2001; and Elizabeth Grosz (co-sponsored with Harvard University), Richard Diesnt and Vanessa Schwartz (both co-sponsored with Comparative Media Studies), and Adnan Morshed in spring 2002. Arindam Dutta organized a fall film series, "The Aesthetics of Decolonization," and a spring film series, "New York City in Film," that engaged students from across the department. Faculty, students and an alumnus contributed to Thresholds. Mark Jarzombek with PhD candidate Juliana Maxim organized a conference on East European art and architecture in October 2001.

Faculty Matters

Mark Jarzombek was on leave in the fall term. Caroline Jones will join the faculty next year as an associate professor of the history of art with tenure. David Friedman received a HASS grant for his "Urban Design and Topographic Survey." Heghnar Watenpaugh joined the faculty as an assistant professor of the history of architecture and Aga Khan Career Development Professor. (See also entry below for Aga Khan Program.) Visiting faculty were Helene Lipstadt and Robert Haywood for the academic year; John Rajchman, Stuart Steck and James O'Gorman for the fall term; and Henry Millon for the spring term. Arindam Dutta was named to the Blackall Career Development Chair in Architectural History for a period of three years.

Research and Publication

Research interests of the faculty include architecture and urbanism of modern Europe and America (Stanford Anderson and Mark Jarzombek); of Europe and its colonial enterprises (Arindam Dutta); modern European art (Erika Naginski); art/architectural theory and epistemology (Anderson, Jarzombek, Naginski); urbanism in pre-modern Europe, late medieval and Renaissance architecture (David Friedman); medieval and modern Islamic architecture and urbanism (Nasser Rabbat); preservation, pre-modern Islamic cities, gender and architecture (Watenpaugh); and historiography of art and architecture (all).

All members of the group regularly contribute to important journals in their fields and to edited works. Books include Stanford Anderson's Peter Behrens: 1868-1940 (MIT Press, 2000), which was published in an Italian edition (Milan: Electa, 2002) with significantly increased illustration. He received grants from the Graham Foundation for the publication of essays arising from conferences on Eladio Dieste and Alvar Aalto. Mark Jarzombek was volume editor for Twentieth-Century Architectural Theory (London: Harvey Miller, 2002). He received grants from the Graham Foundation for his book project Global Architecture and for the publication of the proceedings of the East European Art and Architecture conference.

Student Financial Aid

In recent years, and culminating two years ago, HTC had fallen far behind its traditional competitors (Princeton, Harvard, Columbia, and Cornell especially) in financial aid to doctoral students. In the last two years, thanks to the collaboration of the provost and dean, our financial aid offers are competitive. With this support, HTC PhD admissions were once again very successful. Doctoral students entering their non-resident research stage continue to win prestigious external research grants. The employment record of our graduates also remains impressive, with recent appointments at Columbia, Harvard, Illinois Institute of Technology, Princeton and Yale.

As for all units of the department, providing adequate student financial aid has been and remains a crucial issue. In HTC this primarily means offering financial packages that will attract the best candidates for the PhD program.

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Visual Arts

The Visual Arts Program (VAP) continues to develop its unique program addressing the relation of artistic practice to new media, performance, architecture, urbanism, and related questions of sociopolitical content. VAP supports the undergraduate education curriculum of the Institute and also conducts a small graduate program. Its faculty includes a remarkable group of outstanding artists, positioning us to compete as one of the distinguished schools for contemporary artistic production.

Faculty Matters

Dennis Adams, director of the Visual Arts Program, was on leave in 2001–2002. Wendy Jacob served admirably in that role. Jacob was named to the Class of 1947 Career Development Chair for a period of three years. Julia Scher was on leave in 2001–2002. Antonio Muntadas, a fellow of MIT's CAVS and an internationally renowned artist working on the boundaries between new media, art, architecture and advertising, was a visiting professor. Joe Gibbons, a nationally renowned video maker, was appointed as a lecturer for the year. Lecturer Reiner Leist taught photography, including a class reserved for MArch students. Visiting Lecturer Christine Tarkowski from the Art Institute of Chicago taught the new architecture/visual arts subject specially reserved for MArch students. Tarkowski works on the relationship of graphic design and architecture. Of special significance was the retirement this year of Professor Edward Levine. Levine was the first director of the Visual Arts Program. His early efforts resulted in the program's enjoying an unusually vital and renowned arts faculty.

Faculty Activities

While on leave, Dennis Adams worked on public projects in New York, Baltimore and Utrecht. Three faculty—Krzysztof Wodiczko, Dennis Adams and Antonio Muntadas—participated in Arte Cidade, a major public art festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Wodiczko was represented in the Yokohama Triennial ( summer 2001) and won a major competition for a Memorial to the Abolition of Slavery in France. He will be taking the spring semester off next year to work on the memorial. Wendy Jacob's work "Sleepers" toured museums in Germany as part of an exhibition on the history of kinetic art. She also showed work in exhibitions in New York, Chicago, Canada and France. Joan Jonas created an installation and performance for Documenta IV (summer 2002). Documenta, a summer long event that occurs every five years in Kassel, Germany, is one of the world's best-known and established exhibitions of contemporary art. Along with List Visual Arts Center director Jane Farver, Jonas co-curated the exhibition "Tele-Journeys" at the List gallery (spring). The exhibition, which includes video, film, sound, and installation, focuses on young artists from around the world who are working in Western Europe. Leist's book American Portraits, a result of seven years of traveling across America, was published in 2001 by Prestel Press. Muntadas had solo exhibitions in France, Italy, Spain and Canada. His Public Art Seminar traveled to Las Vegas, where the class examined the city and its architecture as a uniquely American phenomenon and construction. Joe Gibbons's video "Confessions of a Sociopath" was shown at the Whitney Biennial, a prestigious museum exhibition that features work by leading and emerging American artists. The video was made with the support of a Guggenheim Fellowship and was listed among the 10 best videos of 1991 by Artforum and Film Comment magazines. Tarkowski collaborated in 2001 with architect Stanley Tigerman on a work for the Children's Advocacy Center in Chicago.

Graduate Thesis Exhibition

One of the program's most significant events of the year was its first graduate thesis exhibition, featuring the work of the program's six graduate students. The exhibition and opening reception were widely publicized and well attended, giving a long overdue public face to the program and the work of its students. The exhibition was sponsored in part by a grant from the MIT Council for the Arts.

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Undergraduate Program

Associate Professor Leslie Norford, the undergraduate officer, and Renée Caso, the administrator for academic programs, continued in their efforts to support and strengthen the undergraduate experience. The studio sequence implemented last year yielded excellent results. Undergraduates are represented in the renewed student architectural association. Two undergraduate students were selected to participate in the TU Delft/MIT exchange next year. The graduating seniors launched a new tradition, the Senior Dinner with faculty and administrators, in another example of an increasingly visible and productive program.

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Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture

With this Report to the President, the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture (AKPIA) begins reporting from within the Department of Architecture. It has completed its transition from an outreach-based program to an academic-based program. The AKPIA at MIT is recognized as a leading program in the study of architecture and urbanism in the Islamic world. To date, the program has had 111 graduates—10 PhDs and 101 SMArchS (Master of Science in Architectural Studies)—in addition to 18 PhD graduates of Harvard. Of those, 32 are teaching in leading universities in various parts of the Islamic world and in the West, and four are curators in major museums; others are either self-employed as designers or employed in architectural and construction firms.

To maintain its hard-earned status and to adapt to recent changes, AKPIA has been concentrating its teaching and research activities in the following directions: enhancing the understanding of Islamic architecture and urbanism in light of critical, theoretical, and developmental issues; supporting research at the front edge of the field in areas of history, theory and criticism of design, architecture, and urbanism; and providing an extensive base of information about architecture in the Islamic world and sharing it with scholars, teachers, and practitioners worldwide.

Over the years, AKPIA's size and functions fluctuated depending on funding and institutional commitment to the program. The program currently supports two professors, one librarian, one visual material archivist, and a small number of graduate students (six PhD and five SMArchS students). AKPIA is closely collaborating with ArchNet, sponsored by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and located at MIT, in developing a web-based center of study and research on and about architecture in the Islamic and developing worlds.

Program Activities

In the academic year 2001–2002, the AKPIA hired a new assistant professor (Heghnar Watenpaugh); admitted one PhD candidate and three SMArchS candidates; graduated three SMArchS students; awarded four AKPIA travel grants; and supported two postdoctoral fellows (Bülent Tanju, Faculty of Architecture, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, and Kimiyo Yamashita, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo). The program offered an "Evening With" lecture series in addition to lecture opportunities for the postdoctoral fellows and the previous year's travel grant recipients.

Faculty Activities

Nasser Rabbat, Aga Khan associate professor and AKPIA director, published Interpreting the Self: Autobiography in the Arabic Literary Tradition, as well as articles in English and Arabic, and participated in numerous conferences. Heghnar Watenpaugh, assistant professor of the history of architecture and Aga Khan Career Development Professor, contributed to "Museums and the Construction of National History in Syria and Lebanon," published in The British and French Mandates in Comparative Perspective, Peter Sluglett, Nadine Méouchy and Rashid Khalidi, editors, and "Sources and Methods for Studying Women and Islamic Cultures in the Disciplinary Field of Art and Architecture," in The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Suad Joseph, general editor.

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Course IV counted a total of 285 students: 66 undergraduates, 99 MArch, 52 SMArchS/SM without specification, 4 SMBT, 6 SMVisS, 40 resident PhD, 18 non-resident PhD, and 1 special (non-degree) student. Course IV-B counted one undergraduate student.

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Highlights of the Past Year

Symposium and Conference

In the fall term, Mark Jarzombek, with PhD candidate Juliana Maxim, organized a conference on "East European Art and Architecture," co-sponsored by the Graham Foundation, MIT's School of Architecture and Planning, and MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. In the spring term, Valeria Mazarakis organized a symposium on the work of Rafael Moneo, at which he was a respondent.


The Architecture Lecture Series, organized by Stanford Anderson, included in the fall: Jane Thompson, Takashi Yamaguchi, Peter Eisenman, Brian Mackay-Lyons, Jesus Aparicio, Rick Joy, James Stewart Polshek, and Taina Rikala; and in the spring: Vito Acconci, Peter Wheelwright, Mario Coyula-Cowley, Juhani Pallasmaa, Nicholas Adams, and Rafael Moneo. Sir Nicholas Grimshaw presented the Fifteenth Arthur H. Schein Memorial Lecture. Heinz Isler gave the Fifth Felix Candela Lecture. The Pietro Belluschi Lecture was to have been given by Peter Zumthor, who had to indefinitely postpone his visit following the events of September 11. The Building Technology, Visual Arts, Aga Khan Program, and History,Theory, and Criticism programs also sponsored discipline-based lecture series which were open to the public. In addition, the department sponsored a lecture series and related activities on "September 11 and Aftermath," coordinated by Helene Lipstadt.


Thresholds, published twice a year as a journal edited and produced by students, is increasingly noted for developing diverse architectural themes in each issue. It now has national recognition and its contents are systematically catalogued. PinUp, also wholly edited by students, served the department well as an internal newsletter. FOUNDATIONS is a monthly electronic newsletter sent to approximately 2,315 undergraduate and graduate alumni whose email addresses are registered with The Alumni Association. The newsletter contains brief items about the department as well as news of and opportunities for alumni.

Visitors and Lecturers

The department invited visitors and lecturers to contribute their special expertise to the curriculum. Visitors included Edith Ackermann, Francis Duffy, John Gero, Mary Lou Maher, Marlon Blackwell, Carol Burns, Hasan-Uddin Khan, Alan Joslin and Hubert Murray in Architectural Design; Edward Allen and Austin Parsons in Building Technology; Henry Millon, John Rajchman, James O'Gorman, Robert Haywood and Helene Lipstadt in History, Theory, and Criticism; Antonio Muntadas and Christine Tarkowski in Visual Arts. Appointed as lecturers were Daniel Greenwood in Architectural Design; Natalia Cardelino, David Whitney, Carl Rosenberg, and Barry Webb in Building Technology; Stuart Steck in History,Theory, and Criticism; and Reiner Leist and Joe Gibbons in Visual Arts.

Architecture Student Council

Students elected representatives to the Architecture Student Council (ASC) from each level and discipline. Student representatives served on a number of department committees including admissions and search committees, Department Council, and M.Arch. Curriculum committee, and attended studio faculty meetings as the agenda pertained. The ASC contributed agenda items to general departmental meetings.

Student Awards and Fellowships

Student Awards Designated by the Department or Institute

The William Everett Chamberlain Prize for graduating BSAD for achievement in design (Anna Gallagher). The Sydney B. Karofsky '37 Prize for the outstanding master of architecture student with one further year of study (Scott Cyphers). The Francis Ward Chandler Prize for achievement in architectural design (Junko Nakagawa, Daniel Steger). The Alpha Rho Chi Medal for leadership, service for the school and department, and promise of real professional merit (Ariel Fausto). The AIA Certificate of Merit for second-ranked master of architecture student (William Edward Pitts). The AIA Medal for the top-ranked master of architecture student (Nicole Michel). The SMArchS Prize (Cagla Hadimioglu, Ian Sheardwright, Paul Schlapobersky, Diana Ramirez-Jasson, Winnie Wong). The Imre Halasz Thesis Award (Nicole Michel). The AIA Foundation Scholarships (Joshua Barandon, Danny Chan). Faculty Design Award (Julie Kaufman, John Rothenberg, Nicole Vlado). Outstanding Undergraduate Prize (Sini Kamppari). Schlossman Research Fellow (Sadaf Ansari, Muhammad Ijlal Muzaffar). Ann Macy Beha Travel Award (Christopher Johns, Aaron Malnarick, Mahjabeen Quadri, Xin Tian). Louis C. Rosenberg Travel Award (Chiu-Fai Eddie Can, Kenneth Namkung). Avalon Travel Grants (Michele Lamprakos and Kirsten Weiss). Marvin E. Goody Prize (Rocelyn Dee). Aga Khan Program Summer Travel Grant (Leonard DiazBorioli, Sarah Rogers, William Doss Suter, Lieza Vincent). Robert Bradford Newman Medal for Merit in Architectural Acoustics (Meredith Elbaum). Marjorie Pierce/Dean William Emerson Fellowship (Sabrina Schmidt-Wetekam). Hyzen Travel Fellowship (Janna Israel). Rosalia Ennis '76 Research Award (Britta Butler). Rosemary D. Grimshaw Award (David McLean). Council for the Arts Grants (Jacquelyn Martino, Zeynep Celik).

External Awards

Getty Library Research Grant, MIT/CCA Travel Grant (Thomas Beischer). College Art Association Travel Grant and American Institute of Iranian Studies Fellowship (Talin Der-Grigorian). Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Pre-Dissertation Fellowship (Kirsten Weiss). Martin Family Society for Sustainability Membership (Brooke Wortham). 2002 Kress Fellow 2002 de Montequin Jr. Fellow (Glaire Anderson). Preservation Society of Newport County Scholarship Award (Leonardo Diaz-Borioli). The Mary Davis Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in Visual Arts (Alona Nitzan-Shiftan). The Sandberg Prize, The Israel Museum (Alona Nitzan-Shiftan). 2001 American Institute of Architects Award for Advanced Study and Research (Singh Intrachooto). Schnitzer Prize in the Visual Arts (Jacquelyn Martino). PLEA Conference Best Paper Award (Joao Rocha).

Stanford Anderson
Department Head
Professor of History and Architecture

More information about the Department of Architecture can be found on the web at


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