For all R {
{for any (coded)
formula [ψ] and any variable assignment t
(R( |
[ψ],t) ↔
( |
([ψ] = "xi ∈ xj" ∧ t(xi) ∈ t(xj)) ∨
([ψ] = "xi = xj" ∧ t(xi) = t(xj)) ∨
([ψ] = "(∼θ)" ∧ ∼R([θ],t)) ∨
([ψ] = "(θ∧ξ)" ∧ R([θ],t) ∧ R([ξ],t)) ∨
([ψ] = "∃xi (θ)" and, for some an xi-variant t' of t, R([θ],t'))
)} | →
R([φ],s)} |
The winning entry is then this:
The smallest number bigger than every finite number m with
the following property: there is a formula φ(x1) in the language of first-order set-theory (as presented
in the definition of "Sat") with less than a googol symbols and x1 as its only free variable such that: (a) there is a variable assignment s assigning m to x1 such that Sat([φ(x1)],s), and (b) for any variable assignment t, if Sat([φ(x1)],t), then t assigns m to x1.
Note: Philosophers sometimes assume a realist interpretation of set-theory.
On this interpretation,
set-theoretic expressions have "standard" meanings, which determine a definite
truth-value for each sentence of the language, regardless of whether it
is in principle possible to know what those truth-values are.
(See, for instance, this article
by Vann McGee.)
During the competition, Adam and I
took for granted that the langauge of (second-order)
set-theory was interpreted standardly, which guarantees that the final entry
corresponds to a definite number.
If the langauge had instead been interpreted on the basis of
an axiom system, the final entry would have been invalid.
This is because every (consistent) axiomatization of the language
has non-isomorphic models and there is no guarantee that the final entry
will correspond to the same number with respect to different models.