Directions to Tufts

136 Harrison Avenue
Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: 617-628-5000

Directions to Cousens Gym

From the southwest, west, or northwest via Routes 2, 3, 9 Interstate 95, or the Massachusetts Turnpike (Interstate 90)

The easiest approach to the campus is to turn from any of these routes onto the circumferential Route 128 (Interstate 95) and proceed to its intersection with Route 2 (exit 29A). Proceed east on Route 2 to the junction of Routes 2 and 16 and turn onto Route 16 east (Alewife Brook Parkway). Follow Route 16 through two full traffic lights. Take the next right, a sharp turn, onto Powderhouse Boulevard. Proceed to Curtis Street, your second left, which is your second set of lights. Follow Curtis Street up and over the hill, through a set of lights on the other side, and take a right at the variety store, onto George Street. Follow George Street to the first stop sign and take a right onto College Avenue. Cousens Gym will be 100 yards on your right. The Athletic Offices are located on the second floor of the EECS building (Halligan Hall) on your left.

From Boston, the south, & the South Shore

Follow the Southeast Expressway (Route 3 North) to Interstate 93 north to exit 32, Medford Square. Follow the exit ramp to Medford Square. At the blinker at the end of the ramp, turn left onto Main Street. *Follow Main Street for approximately 3/10 of a mile, keeping to the right of the Mobil gas station. Turn right onto George Street, then left onto College Avenue. Cousens Gym will be 100 yards on your right. The Athletic Offices are located on the second floor of the EECS building (Halligan Hall) on your left.

From the north via Routes 1, 3, 128, Interstates 95 or 93

The recommended approach is via the circumferential Route 128 (Interstate 95) to its intersection with Interstate 93. Go south on Interstate 93 to exit 32, Medford Square. Proceed to the center of the square, turn left onto Main Street, and refer to the directions in the preceding paragraph*.

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  Copyright © 2001 Neal Brenner