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February 2012

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Teacher Professional Development BLOSSOM-ing in the D.C. Public Schools
New BLOSSOMS modules in Biology and Math—taught by inspired Wash DC public high school teachers? Yes, you may see this by end of summer! Here’s how:

During the 2011-12 school year, MIT BLOSSOMS is running a Teacher Professional Development course during the regularly scheduled “PD days” for the DC Public School teachers. BLOSSOMS staff (Dick Larson & Liz Murray) and lesson developers/instructors (Megan Rokop & Rhonda Jordan) have traveled to DC for the August, October, December, and February PD days. The final PD day, to be held March 23rd, will conclude the teacher training sessions that were combined to form a mini-course centered on the design of new lessons that teach math or science in a hands-on way. Read more.

New Lesson – “Towers of Hanoi: Experiential Recursive Thinking”
Richard LarsonMIT BLOSSOMS is pleased to announce this new video lesson by Professor Richard C. Larson. The video presents a famous mathematical puzzle that needs to be solved in a systematic way. The students learn experientially a correct recursive approach, as each student has her/his own Tower on the desk in front of them. Concepts are recursion, exponential growth and proof by induction. The learning applies to mathematics as well as computer science, where recursion is a fundamental concept. Watch it here.

Three New BLOSSOMS lessons from Saudi Arabia
New VideosThe MIT BLOSSOMS project in Saudi Arabia, sponsored by Saudi Aramco and the Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Science & Technology Center (Scitech), has recently contributed three new video lessons to the BLOSSOMS website: “Connections in the Plane without Crossing”; “Uniform Circular Motion and Centrifugal Force”; and “Plants and Environmental Resources”. These lessons are currently available in Arabic, but will soon be available with English subtitles. In all, the Saudi partners will produce 20 BLOSSOMS lessons.

Whitehead Spring Lecture Series for High School Students, " Bridges to Bioengineering" – April 17-19
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research is a leading, nonprofit research and educational institution that has defined the cutting edge of biomedical science since 1982. During Bridges to Bioengineering, students will learn first-hand how leaders in the fields of biology, engineering, and medicine are combining their expertise in the pursuit of breakthroughs to improve human health and welfare. The program is open to students ages 14 and over, in grades 9-12. For more information, click here.

Watch for these Exciting Lessons Coming Soon!

ChartBuild It Strong

Math and Music

Mathematical Sequencess

Meet an MIT BLOSSOMS Video Teacher
Dr. Fakhar LohdiDr. Fakhar Lohdi is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and head of the Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) at the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) in Lahore, Pakistan. He is a co-founder and former director of engineering at Vroom Technologies and has more than 18 years of experience in software design and development. His areas of interest include software engineering, software metrics, and object-oriented methods. In his MIT BLOSSOMS lesson, “Guess the Last Ball: An Exercise in Mathematical Modeling”, Dr. Lohdi uses the technique of induction to show students how to analyze a seemingly random occurrence in order to understand it through the development of a mathematical model. Watch his video lesson here.
Media News

MIT Blossoms Brings Open STEM Education to High School Students in Developing Countries. Read article.

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