Unfortunately the new website is not ready yet, but here’s a peek.
Presented by Dr. Ishara Mills-Henry, the purpose of this lesson is to promote the learning of eye function by associating eye problems and diseases to parts of the eye that are affected. The main activity is dissecting a cow eye, which in many high schools is part of the anatomy curriculum. This lesson extends the curriculum by discussing eye diseases that students might be familiar with. An added fun part of the lesson is discussion of what various animals see. Take a look. |
BLOSSOMS is entering a collaborative arrangement with the Foundation for Science, Technology & Civilisation, Manchester,U.K. Their touring museumexhibition" 1001 Inventions, the Golden Age of Muslim Civilization", was recently named "Best Touring Exhibition 2011". Professor Salim T S Al-Hassani, Chairman of the Board, and his colleagues have assembled an incomparable collection of peer-reviewed information on science and technology inventions in the Muslim world during what we in the West often call the Dark Ages. The plan is to work collaboratively in creating BLOSSOMS modules using these materials. The BLOSSOMS team plans to create new modules—for high school STEM classes—to push all BLOSSOMS goals and also to help improve cultural awareness that historically we are all dependent on each other. Visit their teaching resources. |
STAR (Software Tools for Academics and Researchers) is a collection of FREELY available educational software tools developed at MIT. These tools seek to bridge the gap between scientific research and the classroom. Exercises and other curriculum materials are freely available for two STAR biology tools: StarBiochem and StarGenetics. StarBiochem is an intuitive molecular structure explorer that can be used to better understand the biology of proteins and simple molecules. StarGenetics is a genetic experiment simulator that students can use to conduct mating experiments between genetically different organisms to analyze the nature of genetic traits. StarGenetics exercises are fully customizable and can be used to understand a range of concepts from simple Mendelian genetics to more complex gene interactions.
How Does Biotechnology Help Clean Up the Environment?
The Magic Picture
Estimating Energy in Common, Everyday Things and Events |
Dan Frey is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Systems at MIT and Co-Director of the Singapore-MIT International Design Center. He is also the Co-Principal Investigator of MIT BLOSSOMS. His research concerns robust design of engineering systems. Robust design is a set of engineering practices whose aim is to ensure that engineering systems function despite variations due to manufacture, wear, deterioration, and environmental conditions. Professor Frey played a central role in developing the design challenges for the award winning television series, Design Squad. The goal of Design Squad was to help young people go beyond the stereotype of engineering being staid and analytic and to demonstrate ways that it can be both creative and socially engaging. Professor Frey hopes that the show encourages more young people to enter engineering. Read more about Professor Frey here and watch his video lesson, “Using Geometry to Design Simple Machines”. |