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May-June 2016

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New Lesson Introduces Green Chemistry
Green ChemistryWhat comes to mind when you think of the term “Green Chemistry”? The environment? Plant-based products? Alternative energy? Green chemistry is a proactive approach to pollution prevention that teaches chemists how to develop products and materials in a manner that does not use hazardous substances, thus avoiding much waste, hazards and associated costs. The goal of this BLOSSOMS lesson is to introduce students to the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry and how they relate to a chemical process. These principles provide a framework for scientists, engineers and chemistry students to use when designing new materials, products, processes, and systems. They focus on sustainable design criteria and have proven to be the source of innovative solutions to a wide range of problems. This lesson is presented by high school chemistry teacher, Ann Lambert, who is also co-creator of the lesson with Kate Anderson and Mollie Enright, both of Beyond Benign – an organization dedicated to green chemistry education. Watch the video here.

BLOSSOMS Signs Phase 2 Partnership with Universidad Tecmilenio of Mexico
TecmilenioMIT BLOSSOMS is pleased to announce that it will be working with administrators at the Universidad Tecmilenio in Mexico to train their teachers in the use and creation of BLOSSOMS video lessons. Universidad Tecmilenio serves some 38,000 students at the high school, undergraduate and postgraduate level, on 30 campuses throughout Mexico and via online learning. A major objective of this partnership will be to train Universidad Tecmilenio teachers around a new student-centered, active learning pedagogy. This training will begin during a workshop held in Mexico during late August, 2016 and will continue as teachers utilize current BLOSSOMS lessons in their classrooms, along with new BLOSSOMS lessons created by Tecmilenio educators. This Partnership builds on an earlier BLOSSOMS-Tecmilenio Partnership in which the university subtitled 20 BLOSSOMS lessons into Spanish.

MIT BLOSSOMS at LINC 2016 Conference
LINCThe 7th International MIT LINC Conference was held at MIT on May 22-25, 2016. LINC=Learning International Networks Consortium. Approximately 250 people from 30 countries attended and participated in the conference. LINC gave rise to MIT BLOSSOMS in 2008, and we have always considered BLOSSOMS as a LINC project. So it is natural that BLOSSOMS played a significant role in LINC2016. It started with a half-day BLOSSOMS workshop on Sunday May 22, and on Tuesday during the conference, Dick Larson led a panel that focused on BLOSSOMS and related e-learning initiatives. Read more here.


Summer P.D. Opportunities in Green Chemistry

Are you a high school teacher who is interested in learning more about Green Chemistry education? Check out both online and in-person summer training programs here.

New Lesson Topics Coming Soon!
  • Introducing Statistics
  • Projectile Motion
  • Momentum and Impulse
  • Structure Begets Function
  • Amount of Substance: What Is a Mole?
Meet Two BLOSSOMS Teachers

RISTAMahdokht Kalantari is a doctoral student in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She is currently doing research on Viral Marketing Campaigns for Professional Networks in Social Media. She also teaches a graduate level course in Decision Making and Risk Analysis at Wayne State University. Kenneth Chelst is Professor of Operations Research (OR) and Director of Engineering Management in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Wayne State University. He oversees a master’s degree program for Ford Motor Company engineers on a career path to technical leadership. For the past 20 years, Dr. Chelst has been developing mathematics curriculum designed to answer the commonly asked student question – “When will I ever use this?” For more information, please visit the this link. You can watch their BLOSSOMS lesson, Choosing a College Roommate: How Multi-Criteria Decision Modeling Can Help.