Workshop participants included STEM experts, teachers, and policy makers from around the country. Presentations outlined innovative STEM programs being implemented in Florida, Nevada, Washington, Ohio, Washington, DC and Massachusetts. There was consensus that current weak STEM results from the national K-12 education system represent a severe national security threat—and that improvement will require concerted efforts from many individuals and groups. Read article.
This site provides seven laboratory protocols that have been specifically designed by MIT scientists and high school science teachers for use in high school and middle school biology classes. Check them out.
Taught by Professor Hassan Al-Juwhari of the University of Jordan in Amman, this video lesson teaches students about static equilibrium by exploring what is meant by translational equilibrium and rotational equilibrium and whether an equilibrium is Stable, Unstable, or Neutral. Applications of this phenomenon to real life are also examined, emphasizing how important balance and stability are in many realms, including engineering, construction, manufacturing and for all living creatures. Watch here.
This site provides information on the chemical demonstrations that are presented to MIT area high schools by graduate students in the Department of Chemistry. The presentations include sections relating to polymers, naturally occurring compounds, temperature and pressure, and light. These demonstrations have been selected for both their visual appeal and their relevance to everyday life. See them here.