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September 2012

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Welcome back to schoolMIT BLOSSOMS Announces Lesson Contest for High School Teachers
With school opening for the 2012/2013 academic year, BLOSSOMS is inviting high school teachers to submit lessons in Mathematics, Science or Engineering that they believe would make excellent video lessons. Submissions are due by Monday, December 3rd, 2012, and winners will be announced by Monday, February 4thth, 2013. Winning teachers will travel to MIT with all expenses paid to film their new BLOSSOMS lessons. For contest details, read more.

Three Lessons by Broad Institute Scientists Present Cutting Edge Cancer Research and Treatments
New VideosMIT BLOSSOMS is very pleased to announce the addition to its video library of three new lessons created by scientists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The first lesson in this series, “From Teenage to Old Age: How Cancer Develops over Time”, focuses on how cancer is caused by mutations that accumulate over time in cells’ DNA, how the genes mutated in cancer are involved in normal cell growth & division, and how different types of mutations affect the functions of these genes. The second lesson, “Making It Personal: Using DNA to Tailor Cancer Treatments”, explores how laboratory research can be used to determine which mutations have occurred in the DNA of the cancer cells, and how these findings can impact the treatments chosen for different cancer patients. The third lesson, “How Scientific Teams Develop New Anti-Cancer Drugs”, introduces students to the different kinds of scientists—biologists, chemists, cancer doctors—all working together in the various stages of drug discovery. BLOSSOMS is extremely grateful to Dr. Megan Rokop of the Broad Institute for her role in overseeing the development of these lessons.

The HHMI Group Offers Exciting Resources for Teaching Biology
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Master Education Group is an educational collaborative between several scientists from research universities across the country interested in curriculum development and design in the biological sciences. As a group, these scientists are committed to developing and implementing exciting new strategies and techniques to teach biology at the university level. Many of these can be used at the high school level. In particular, check out their Student-Centered Teaching Tools here.

Punjab Youth Festival in Pakistan to Feature MIT BLOSSOMS

Goal is to spread the word about MIT BLOSSOMS to encourage more Pakistani teachers to utilize this resource. Read more.

Watch for These Lessons Coming Soon to MIT BLOSSOMS

Solving Systems Using Matrices
The Physics of American Football

The Chemistry of Crystals

Meet Two MIT BLOSSOMS Video Teachers
teachersJoseph A. Formaggio is an associate professor of physics at MIT’s Laboratory for Nuclear Science. He works primarily in nuclear physics and cosmology, studying the properties of neutrinos – near massless sub-atomic particles that permeate everything in the universe. You can find more information on Prof. Formaggio’s research here. Jose Machuca is a computer science teacher at Regis High School in Manhattan where he and Professor Formaggio attended high school together. Watch their MIT BLOSSOMS lesson, “The Physics of Pool.”
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