Hewlett Foundation Board Approves the LINC Initiative, BLOSSOMS
Publication Date: November 24, 2008
The Hewlett Foundation Board approved the LINC initiative, BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies). The vision of this project is to begin to develop a large, free repository of educational video modules for high school math and science classes, created by gifted teachers from around the world and seeded initially by MIT faculty members and by partnering educators in Jordan and Pakistan. In this pilot 2-year educational effort, faculty members and some students in each participating country will create 15 enhanced blended learning stand-alone educational video modules to use in high school math and science classes. Also, selected high schools in each country will utilize the 45 created modules in their own teaching and learning. The goal is to develop deeper and richer skills in high school students and to enhance their critical-thinking skills. The pedagogical model is “enhanced blended learning,” which means that the in-class teacher is a vital part of the learning process. Voice-over translation will be provided, covering English, Arabic, and Urdu. The program will be Open Source, continuing MIT's fine tradition started by OCW and MIT World.