LINC Signs Memorandum of Understanding

Publication Date: February 9, 2009

On January 24th in Lahore, Pakistan, LINC Director, Professor Richard Larson, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Punjab Province and with the Virtual University of Pakistan. The objective of this MOU is “to collaborate in making available global best practice in technology-enabled education to all public sector schools in the province of Punjab through the MIT BLOSSOMS Initiative (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies)”. MIT LINC will provide leadership, vision and guidance for the BLOSSOMS component of the education program in the province of Punjab. Under this agreement, the Government of Punjab will provide enabling technology and roll-out for the BLOSSOMS Initiative, as well as incentives, motivation and training for teachers. The Virtual University will coordinate with local academic institutions for the success of the BLOSSOMS Initiative and also provide content and learning modules adapted to local needs. In the initial pilot phase (Year 1), the plan is to incorporate BLOSSOMS in 32 high schools in the Punjab as part of the province’s “Technology-in-Schools” project.