Green Chemistry

Driving Question

How can we become a sustainable community through the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry?

Big Idea

Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. Green chemistry applies across the life cycle of a chemical product, including its design, manufacture, use, and ultimate disposal. In each part of this 2-part unit, student teams will analyze the lifecycle of a consumer product and research an alternative sustainable product, by comparing which of the Green Chemistry twelve principles are associated with each product.

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Students Will Learn

  • The definition of sustainability
  • The definition of Green Chemistry and will understand its 12 Principles
  • What a Life Cycle Analysis is and how to conduct one
  • How to make a simple flow chart
  • The difference between Open and Closed Loop Lifecycles
  • The difference between recycling and a Closed Loop Lifecycle
  • How to work in a team and develop a team contract
  • How to keep a Research Journal
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Students Will Be Able To

  • Make a Green Chemistry glue and compare it to a commercial glue
  • Understand and discuss the ethical issues surrounding pollution
  • Choose and research the lifecycle of a commercial product as well as that of an alternative sustainable product
  • Develop a simple flow chart of where the products start and end in their lifecycles
  • Recognize whether the product has an open or closed loop lifecycle
  • Make a research poster presentation or power point presentation to the school or wider community
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