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This PBL Has two parts.

Inspiration for these two PBL units is derived from Beyond Benign’s open access resources. For more information visit: https://www.beyondbenign.org/k12/

  • Part 1 guides students through lessons in which they learn what a lifecycle analysis is and culminates in their own lifecycle analysis of a commerical product they have selected.. They will also be expected to research an alternative commerical product that they think would be more sustainable than the one they selected.
  • Part 2 is an optional extension in which students apply engineering principles to develop and test a sustainable, polystyrene substitute product. We suggest that a teacher start off with Part 1 of this PBL unit and plan to do Part 2 at a later date.

*This lesson has been written with activities itemized by in-class days; however, the teacher may choose to assign some of the activities to be conducted at home.