MIT Stem Pals
  January 2012  

From Dick Larson
Dick LarsonWelcome to the 2nd STEM Pals Newsletter! In this newsletter you will see STEM news submitted by several of you. Also, starting with the next STEM Pals Newsletter, we will open distribution to a larger community, beyond those of us who participated in the MIT STEM Workshop in October. Please send us names of colleagues and friends who you recommend, and we will contact each of them to see if they want to participate in this wider STEM discussion. Based on your suggestions and our own daily reading of STEM News, we are posting important STEM reports, news articles, Op-Eds and blogs on Twitter. Read a selection of our Tweets.

From Ian Waitz via Chad Galts
Ian WaitzIn December MIT students proposed over 100 ideas for creating instructional videos in engineering and science for K12 viewers—and many more are on the way. Working on topics from Fermi analysis to tissue engineering, antireflective coatings to weather forecasting, our students will create short videos (5-8 minutes long) to help K12 students understand a range of topics in engineering and science, while entertaining them at the same time. K12 educators have a special role in the system we have set up for creating these videos: please visit our website to suggest experiments and demonstrations that would be useful in your classrooms. Our students need to hear from classroom experts and deliver videos that suit their needs. We want to help educators with great ideas but less-than-great facilities, and those with perfectly adequate facilities who would benefit from a collaboration with the best part of MIT—its students.


From Megan Rokop
Megan RokopWith the help of David Marino, Project Manager at the Broad Institute, Megan Rokop has edited and condensed the survey results from our October STEM meeting into a summary report. Excerpts included in this newsletter cover:

  • What we would tell Eric Lander if we could give him input about the PCAST Report;
  • What we would do with one million dollars for STEM education;
  • A few of the most interesting educational resources that people suggested.

Read these excerpts.

From Rick McMaster
Rick McMasterHere are three reports that should be of broad interest to the STEM community:

  • A Roadmap for Strengthening U.S. Competitiveness by the Commerce Dept. view
  • Building a STEM Education Agenda from the National Governors Association. view
  • A Report from the Federal Inventory of STEM Education Fast-Track Action Committee/Committee on STEM Education National Science and Technology Council. view

You can also check my Tweets for other STEM items of interest at Twitter @drkold

See a sampling of these below:
