Forces and Angles

Forces and Angles




Bahtiar Afandi
Sains Kuching Secondary School
Sarawak, Malaysia

Jong Kah Yin
Sains Kuching Secondary School
Sarawak, Malaysia

Hussaini Abdul Rahman
Sains Pokok Sena Secondary School
Kuala Nerang, Malaysia


The goal of this lesson is to assist students to relate the forces acting upon particular objects and the “unseen” resolution of those forces. The video begins with a story line involving Adam, who helps his father in the garden by disposing of a garbage bag of leaves—the very act that involves resolution of forces. This lesson includes embedded video clips, animations, diagrams and inquiry-based experiments where students are required to work collaboratively and answer thought-provoking questions. The experiments will involve the study of the resolution of forces on objects placed on varying planes or on platforms of different angles, using materials that are easily found. Finally, students are required to discuss and apply what they have learned to determine whether it is easier to push or to pull a luggage bag with wheels. The lesson will take about 50 minutes to complete. 

Instructor Biography

Bahtiar Afandi is a principal at the Sains Kuching Secondary School, Sarawak. He has been involved in teaching physics lessons for many years. 

Jong Kah Yin is also from Sains Kuching Secondary School, Sarawak and he teaches chemistry. He holds the position as the head of math & science in his school.

Hussaini Abdul Rahman is a physics teacher from the Sains Pokok Sena Secondary School.

For Teachers

Additional Online Resources

The Physics Classroom: Resolution of Forces
This site, provided by The Physics Classroom, presents an excellent lesson on resolution of forces.

The Physics Classroom: Inclined Planes
This resource, also provided by The Physics Classroom, presents an interesting lesson on inclined planes.

Forces Acting at an Angle: Resolving Forces
This resources, sponsored by mathcenter, presents several exercises on Forces Acting at an Angle: Resolving Forces.


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