Fun on the Sphere

Fun on the Sphere


Jiang Muyan “Jimmy”
Senior Year student
The Verakin School
Chongqing, China

Assistance provided by:
MIT Professor Richard Larson
Verakin teacher, Huang Rongxiu
BLOSSOMS China liaison, Ling Wang
 Verakin students - Li Siyi, Li Hang, Yu Bing, Zhao Chongbo


MIT 教授, 理查德·拉尔森
BLOSSOMS 中国区联络人, 王玲
重庆二外学生, 李思佚,黎杭,余冰,赵崇博


This lesson focuses on sphere geometry. It aims to encourage students to solve real science problems in our daily life and explore the unknowns on the sphere. Although some of the ideas in the video are slightly challenging, the overall difficulty of the lesson is suitable for all students above junior level. To follow the lesson, students need to have some basic knowledge about circles, planar geometry and so on. It will take approximately 50 minutes to complete the whole class. During the class, the materials listed here are needed: small globes, pens, paper, scissors, calculators, soft rulers, rubber band, balls with different size, some strings, etc. It is important to present a globe throughout the class to help students visualize the problems. For example, in the Muslim Prayer problem, it is really important to make students understand the geographical location of Mecca and Boston on both the map and the globe.


Instructor Biography

Jiang Muyan, “Jimmy”, is a student from Chongqing, China. He is a fan of math and soccer. It has been his great honor to participate in the BLOSSOMS project and work closely with his partners in that project. In the past year, his team carefully designed and videotaped this lesson, and they sincerely hope all of you would find it useful and interesting.


Additional Online Resources

Wolfram MathWorld: Traveling Salesman Problem
This resource, sponsored by Wolfram MathWorld, presents the algorithm of the Traveling Salesman Problem that is referred to in this lesson.

Wikipedia: Spherical geometry
This Wikipedia site provides a comprehensive overview of Spherical Geometry.

Math Fun Facts: Spherical Geometry
This site, hosted by Math Fun Facts, provides an interesting discussion of Spherical geometry.

Math Is Fun: Sphere
This resource by Math Is Fun presents a short and fascinating discussion about Spherical Geometry.


Wolfram MathWorld: Traveling Salesman Problem
以下资料由Wolfram MathWorld提供,里面包含了视频里提到的旅行商人问题。

Wikipedia: Spherical geometry

Math Fun Facts: Spherical Geometry
这个Math Fun Facts的网页展示了一些关于球面几何有趣的讨论。

Math Is Fun: Sphere
Math Is Fun的这个网页有一些简短但吸引人的关于球面几何的讨论。

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