The Physics Classroom: Drawing Free-Body Diagrams
This site, sponsored by the Physics Classroom, provides instructions on drawing free body diagrams, as well as practice situations for applying those instructions.
The Physics Classroom: Newton's Laws
This resource, provided by The Physics Classroom, presents a comprehensive overview of Newtons’s Three Laws of Motion.
Khan Academy: Forces and Newton's laws of motion
This site is a Khan Academy complete unit of study on Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion.
The New Yorker: Physicists still don't know what puts the curl in curling
This site, a New Yorker Magazine article, will help you explain the physics of curling to your students.
YouTube: Newton's First, Second, and Third Laws (Walter Lewin)
This resource is a lecture by MIT Professor, Walter Lewin. Lec 06: Newton's First, Second, and Third Laws 8.01 Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999 (Walter Lewin) (42:44)