Plasma: the Fourth State of Matter

Plasma: the Fourth State of Matter




Amaal Jalal AL- Hammoury
Physics Teacher,
Al-Medmar High School
Ein El Basha - Balqa, Jordan


In this video lesson, students will achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Become familiar with the fourth state of matter, “plasma"; 2) Understand the concept of plasma: 3) Compare the four states of matter; and 4) Learn some applications of plasma. Before starting this video lesson, students should have knowledge about: 1) The three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas - and the properties of each state and how matter can change from one state to another; 2) The structure of the atom - what does it consist of, and what are the properties of each component; 3) How a neutral atom becomes an ion; and 4) The basics of conduction of electricity. No materials are needed for this lesson other than playing the video module. A worksheet for segment 3 can be downloaded from this web page. The types of in-class activities suggested for the breaks between video segments include small group discussions and worksheet completion.

Instructor Biography

Amaal Jalal AL- Hammoury has been a high school physics teacher in Jordan for nine years. She believes in self-learning and team work.

Additional Online Resources

The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Perspectives on Plasmas
This site, provided on the World Wide Web Virtual Library, is designed to increase public awareness and understanding of the plasma sciences and their many applications and benefits to society.

How Stuff Works: How Fluorescent Lamps Work
This article, available on the How Stuff Works website, provides an in-depth explanation of how fluorescent lights work.

New Scientist: Plasma rocket breaks endurance record
This article from New Scientist magazine reports on a revolutionary plasma rocket tested in Costa Rica.

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