Plastics and Covalent Chemical Bonds

Plastics and Covalent Chemical Bonds


Hana Theban
Chemistry Teacher
Saad Schools
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

*This video was sponsored by Saudi Aramco and produced by Sultan Bin Abdel Aziz Science & Technology Center


In this lesson, we discuss the distribution of electrons in a carbon atom, introduce the students to examples of plastic materials made from organic compounds, explore environmentally safe materials that can mimic the same properties of plastic and explore the effects of bacteria and fungi on plastic materials. It is important that students are familiar with the periodic table of elements. The video is 25 minutes long with approximately 20 minutes of activities. Students should be prepared with pen and paper as they will be asked to draw electron distribution and ethane/propane.

Instructor Biography

Hana Theban was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, however her family heritage is Palestinian. She works as a Chemistry teacher for the Saad Schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and has taught elementary, middle and high school for over 10 years. She has attended several workshops on promoting and planning curriculum, communication and science/math instructional methodologies.

Additional Online Resources

Wikipedia: Polymer
This site provides a Wikipedia discussion of Polymers.

YouTube: NBC News Learn Channel
This NBC News Learn playlist provides a large selection of resources—including lesson plans and videos—on the chemistry of plastics.

How Stuff Works: How Plastics Work
This site, sponsored by How Stuff Works, provides a clear overview discussion of how plastics work