The Pythagorean Theorem: Application and Proof

The Pythagorean Theorem: Application and Proof


Prof. Kamel Al-Khaled
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST)
Irbid – Jordan

Dr. Ameen Alawneh
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST)
Irbid – Jordan


In this video lesson, students will not only learn about Pythagoras and the Pythagorean Theorem, but they will also demonstrate a proof of this theorem, use it to solve problems, and create their own real world problems to challenge the class. A preliminary knowledge of mathematics is the only prerequisite for this lesson (9th or 10th grade), and necessary materials include a ruler and a large triangle. The lesson should fit into a 50-minute class. The types of in-class activities suggested for the breaks between video segments include: small group discussions; measuring angles in the classroom; solving real world, practical problems using the theorem.

Instructor Biography

Kamel Al-Khaled, professor of Mathematics, received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) in 1996, under the supervision of Professor Thomas Shores. Since September 2008, he has been the Mathematics Dept. chairman at Jordan University of Science & Technology. His current research interests include ordinary and partial differential equations that arise from modeling in applied mathematics.

Ameen Alawneh is an associate professor of Operations Research in the Department of Math & Statistics at JUST. Alawneh earned his Ph.D. in 1995 from New Mexico State University, USA. Currently he is the Assistant Dean for Accreditation & Quality Assurance. His research interest is in Operations Research/stochastic models.

Additional Online Resources

How Stuff Works: HowStuffWorks Videos
This site, sponsored by How Stuff Works, presents a video that clearly explains the Pythagorean Theorem as well as one proof of that theorem.

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