Understanding Evolution
This site, created by the University of California Museum of Palentology, is entitled Evolution 101 and provides the nuts and bolts about the patterns and mechanisms of evolution.
Sponsored by ENSI, the lessons provided on this site are designed to improve the teaching of evolution in high school biology courses by encouraging teachers to teach evolutionary thinking in the context of a more complete understanding of modern scientific thinking.
Understanding Race
Created by the American Anthropological Association, this site, “Race: Are We So Different”, provides resources that encourage an integrative and comprehensive
approach to the study of race and human variation.
This site, hosted by BioInteractive at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, offers many great resources for teaching evolution - from short films to Click & Learn interactives, and from lecture series to classroom activities.
What Does It Mean to Be Human
This site, from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, is entitled “What Does It Mean to Be Human” and teaches evolution through human examples.