Why Neutralize? Impact on Health and the Environment

Why Neutralize? Impact on Health and the Environment


Hazilah Abdullah @ Taib
Muhamad Jamil Mustafa 

Kubang Pasu Science School
Kubang Pasu, Malaysia


The aim of this lesson is to introduce the concept of Neutralization and its application in our daily lives. Students are encouraged to construct their knowledge of Neutralization through brainstorming sessions, experiments, and mind mapping. This video lesson presents a series of stories relating to Neutralization—beginning with a story of a girl being cured from a stomach ache with the help of Neutralization. Prerequisites for this lesson are knowledge of the basic concept of Neutralization, chemical equations and the pH indicator scale. The lesson will take about 50 minutes to complete, but you may want to divide into two classes if the activities require more time. 

Instructor Biography

Hazilah Abdullah @ Taib is a chemistry teacher from Kubang Pasu Science School, Malaysia. She has been teaching since 1996 and now is Head of the of Science and Mathematics Department in her school. 

Muhamad Jamil bin Mustafa is an Information, communication and technology (ICT) teacher also from Kubang Pasu Science School. He has been teaching since 1997 and now is an ICT coordinator in his school.

Additional Online Resources

Neutralisation in Our Daily Lives
This site, sponsored by Wonder Chem, presents an overview of the ways in which Neutralization is used in a variety of fields in our daily lives.

GCSE Chemistry Notes: Common examples of acidic, neutral and alkaline substances
This page, provided by Doc Brown’s Chemistry Online, introduces the chemistry of acids and bases-alkalis by looking at common domestic examples in the home and not just in industry or the chemical laboratory. Lime, antacids, lime, bee/wasp stings, sodium bicarbonate, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid all get a mention!