Why Pay More?

Why Pay More?


Assoc. Prof. Dzurllkanian Daud 
Dr. Abdul Rahim b Hj Salam
Dr. Abdul Rahman Tamuri 
Faizal Yamimi Mustaffa
Ghazali bin Bunari
Wan Ibrisam Fikry bin Wan Ismail
Mustafa bin Omar
Dr. Johari Surif
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhaya Kamarudin

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


This lesson is an introduction to Multiple Regression Analysis or MRA, a statistical process used widely in many professions to estimate the relationship among variables. The aim of this video is to make it easier for students to understand the introduction to the concept of MRA based upon a property valuation setting. In order to facilitate students’ understanding of this, a scaffolding method is used whereby students are first exposed to basic equations. Then they will be introduced to the concept of variables, teaching them to calculate property value based on only 2 variables. Their understanding is further enhanced by exposing them to multiple variables related to property valuation. Finally, they are asked to calculate property value based on multiple variables. It is shown in this video that finding the value of two variables is possible using the paired comparison method, but that the same method cannot be applied if we have more than 2 equations; that is when Multiple Regression Analysis is needed. MRA can solve problems related to more than 2 equations. A prerequisite for students is an understanding of basic statistics such as total, average, mod, mean and median.

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Instructor Biography

Assoc. Professors Dzurll, Wan Ibrisam, Mustafa, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhaya are lecturers at the Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Dr. Abdul Rahman Tamuri is from the Faculty of Science and Dr Abdul Rahim, Faizal, as well as Ghazali are the lecturers from the Language Academy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Dr Johari Surif is from the Faculty of Education, UTM. The lecturers are particularly interested in developing computer-assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) systems, property valuation consultancy works, as well as multimedia teaching and learning materials. Each of them specializes in their own field and is active in research activities in the areas of property valuation, property management, language teaching as well as science and mathematics teaching.

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Additional Online Resources

Multiple Regression Analysis using SPSS Statistics
This site, provided by Laerd Statisitics, presents a very clear and useful overview of Multiple regression Analysis.

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