This is a general purpose network element used in forced convection applications. It consists of three nodes: two corner nodes and one midside node. The node numbering is shown in Figure 69. In the corner nodes the only active degrees of freedom are the temperature degree of freedom (degree of freedom 11) and the pressure degree of freedom (degree of freedom 2). These nodes can be used in forced convection *FILM conditions. In the middle node the only active degree of freedom is degree of freedom 1, and stands for the mass flow rate through the element. A positive mass flow rate flows from local node 1 to local node 3, a negative mass flow rate in the reverse direction. It can be defined using a *BOUNDARY card for the first degree of freedom of the midside node of the element. Fluid material properties can be defined using the *MATERIAL, *FLUID CONSTANTS and *SPECIFIC GAS CONSTANT cards and assigned by the *FLUID SECTION card.
network elements form fluid dynamic networks and should not share any node with any other type of element. Basically, analyses involving fluid dynamic networks belong to one of the following two types of calculations:
The available types of fluid sections are listed in subsection 6.3 and 6.4.
Notice that three-node network elements are one-dimensional and can account for two- or three-dimensional effects in the fluid flow only to a limited degree.
A special kind of network element is one in which one of the corner nodes is zero (also called a dummy network element). This type is element is used at those locations where mass flow enters or leaves the network. In this case the corner node which is not connected to any other network element gets the label zero. This node has no degrees of freedom. The degree of freedom 1 of the midside node corresponds to the entering or leaving mass flow.