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How to deal with cad-geometry

In general hexahedra-elements perform better than tets but if the mesh should be derived from a cad-geometry it is often more convenient to create a tetrahedra mesh as to modify or rebuild the geometry to make it meshable with hexahedra-elements. The following section gives some hints which alternatives are available.

Therefore cgx can only generate a tet-mesh if NETGEN is installed and the program ng_vol (part of NETGEN) is accessible. For the full functionallity replace the original ng_vol in the NETGEN package with the modified program ng_vol from the cgx-distribution and build it again.

The following section describes the process to generate a tet-mesh with cgx based on a cad model in VDA-file format:

Figure 12: CAD-geometry meshed with tet-elements

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root 2014-02-18