___         v             v v              ___           ___
     <*,*>      <*,*>          <*,*>            <`,'>         <*,*>
     [`-']      [`-']          [`-']            [`-']        =^`-'^=
     -"-"-      -"-"-          -"-"-            -"-"-          " "
      owl      punk owl   owl with antlers   chinese owl   flying owl

     ___          ___           ___            ___          ___
    <+,+>        <@,@>         <*,*>          <-,->        <$,$>
    [`-']        [`-']         [`-']          [`-']        [`-']
    -"-"-        -"-"-         -"---          -"-"-        -"-"-
  drunk owl   owl junkie   one legged owl   shrewd owl   greedy owl

                                                    |                _
   ___             ___            _|||_            /_\             _( )_
  <#,#>           <o-o>           <*,*>           <*,*>            <*,*>
  [`-']           [`-']           [`-']           [`-']            [`-']
  -"-"-           -"-"-           -"-"-           -"-"-            -"-"-
TV-eyed owl    with glasses    with top hat    owl with fez       cowboy
       ___             ___      o  _____   _
      <*,*>           <*,*>    o  /o __ \_/ |      * *       "owl"
      [`-//           [`o']     o[  ///  _  |                    
      -"-"-           -"-"-       `-----' `-'
  owl with sling   medalion owl   surreal owl   owl in cave   owl

       ___              ___        ___             ___              ___
      <*,->            <*,*>      <*,->           <-,->            <@,@>
      [`-']            [`S']      [`-']           [`-']            [`-']
      -"-"-            -"-"-      -"-"-           -"-"-            -"-"-
  confidential owl   super owl   winking owl  sleeping owl   caffeinated owl

    ___              ___             ___           ___           ___
   {*,*}            <O,O>           <v,v>         <^,^>         <*_*>
   [`-']            [`-']           [`-']         [`-']         [  \]
   -"-"-            -"-"-           -"-"-         -"-"-         -"-"-
owl listening    wide-eyed owl      shy owl      happy owl    owl smoking
to walkman

   ___            -"-"-             ___            ___ 
  <*,*>           [,-,]            <   >          <** >,
  [`~']           <*'*>            [   ]          "`-'] 
  -"-"-            ---                            "[---
vampire owl    owl pretending    minimalist owl   cubist owl
               to be a bat
                                   ___            ___              .   .
   |_|                            (___)          * /_\              )_(
W <*,*>                           <*,*>           <*,*>            <*,*>
|-[`-']_.         <*,*>          =^`-'^=          [`-']            [`-']
| -"-"-           ~~~~~           -"-"-           -"-"-            -"-"-
devil owl      deviled owl      angel owl       santa owl       martian
   ___             ___             ___             ___             ___
  <m,m>           <g,g>           <q,p>           < * >           <x,x>
  [`=']           [`-']           [' `]           [`-']          >>>>>>>
  -"-"-           -"-"-           -"-"-           -"-"-          <<<<<<<
owl with      baggy-eyed owl    crying owl     cyclops owl     roadkill owl
lipstick and
long eyelashes

  O                                                  o
 ___              ^_^              ___               |_|
<*,*>            <*,*>            <   >             < , >
[`-']            [`-']            [ v ]             [`-']
-"-"-            -"-"-            -"-"-             -"-"-
Holy owl       Satanic owl     Owl from behind     Martian Owl

                                                    o o
                 ___                                |_|
                <\,/>                              <*,*>
                [`-']                              [`-']
                -"-"-                              -"-"-
             Satanic owl                         Martian Owl

 ___              ___              ___   ___       }  ___
<-o->            </,\>            <*,*>_<*,*>     {  <@,@>
[`-']            [`-']            [`-'___`-']     U---'-']
-"-"-            -"-"-            --"-----"--        -"-"-
Tired owl        Sad owl          Siamese owl(s)   owl smoking

  _____        ___ _ _ _ _       _____        ___        ___
 / ___ \      <*,*> > > > >     <* , *>      < * >      <*,*>
(|<*,*>|)     [`-'] ] ] ] ]     [`---']      [`-']      [`=']
  [`-']       -"-"- - - - -     -"---"-      -"-"-      -"-"-
owl wearing     high speed       fat owl    cyclopian     owl
headphones        owl                         owl      wearing
                                                     lip gloss

    .               .             .                       
   (*)             (+)           =!=             ===      
  <*,*>           <*,*>         <*,*>          <<oqo>>    
  [`:']           [`+']         [`-']          [["="]]    
  -"-"-           -"-"-         -"-"-          -""-""-    
flying squad       bishop      indian owl   owl perched on 
(UK police)                     (brave)     pneumatic drill

And their country cousins,

    ___         v
   <*,*>      <*,*>
   [`-']      [`-']
   -"-"-      -"-"-
     *          |
     *          |

   owl      punk owl
 taking     taking a
 a dump       whiz

 R L Samuel

    /*                              ___        _
   /_\          ___       ___      {*v*}      _M_       >>>       _..
  {0v-}        { 0 }     {00v}      _3_      {0^0}     {@.@}     {Uv0} /
 <[`.']>      <[`.']>   <[.B ]>   <[`.']>   <[$.$]>   <[x,X]>   <[===]+
(0v0)  Meet:  Cyclops, Picasso, Owl-in-a-Box, Top Hat, Punky and Peg-Leg

Based on an unoriginal email forwarded by Colin Batchelor, January 1996.
Additions forwarded by Richard Kirk, June 1999.

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