1. The Parthenopean Republic was also known by this adjective for the five months of its existence, referring to its capital city. An earlier 17th-century republic by this name was created by rebellion against Philip IV of Spain and lasted nearly twice as long. The first Greek settlement here was known as Parthenope, near the location of the Cumaean Sibyl, but this adjective comes from a later city that was one of the centers of (*) Magna Graecia. A musical tradition bearing this adjective gives us "'O Sole Mio" and "Funiculi, Funicula", which depicts the opening of a railway on Mount Vesuvius. FTP, give this adjective for an Italian locale that derives from the Greek colonists' "new city". Neapolitan 2. The Lienard-Wiechert potential is a relativistic generalization of the Larmor formula that calculates this quantity for an accelerating point charge. For an AC circuit, a namesake factor measures how the apparent version of this quantity is split into real and reactive components -- the latter is measured in var, a non-SI unit equivalent to the unit for this quantity. If the circuit is linear time-invariant, that factor is simply the (*) cosine of the phase difference. In an electromagnetic field, this quantity is given by the surface integral of the Poynting vector, which for an ideal wire reduces to the simpler formula of voltage times current. FTP, name this quantity typically measured in watts. Power 3. A sample playthrough included with the rules to this game includes the part of a "gutless kibbitzer", and demonstrates that the starting player is the one who most resembles an alien. This game was released to the public almost exactly seven years after it was originally announced, and the year after that saw a third-party expansion involving the otherwise unused escape pod pieces. Other components to this game include the (*) Wheel of Death, the Moon Counter, a board with zones such as the Orbital Nexus and the Reverse Dimension, and pawns for characters including Algernon and Captain Blastoid. FTP, Dollarbucks are the currency in which game invented by Dan Katz? Escape from Zyzzlvaria 4. The English word for this color derives from a Germanic root that also had connotations of shining or polishing. The sequence of color terms posited by Berlin and Kay says that languages develop a word for this color only after they have distinguished blue from green. In many languages, the word used for this color refers to a kind of (*) beverage, while examples of foods named after this color include gjetost and jaggery. Historically, pigments of this color have been derived from ground-up Egyptian mummies, but also from clay found in two regions of Italy, Umbria and Siena, and from the cuttlefish called Sepia. FTP, name this tertiary color that is common in human eyes, hair, and skin. Brown 5. One musical motif in this show is known as Passacaglia, or the Opera House theme, and sometimes accompanies shots of a child named Hera. This show's title sequence uses a setting of the Gayatri Mantra, which begins: om bhur bhuvah svah, followed by a taiko drum passage, and includes a number which (*) generally decreases from episode to episode. Actor Dirk Benedict criticized the casting of one of this show's main characters; in the episode "Someone to Watch Over Me", that character, Kara, finds that a child's drawing matches a pianist's transcription of the song "All Along the Watchtower". FTP, name this 2004 series, a reimagining of the 1978 series of the same name. Battlestar Galactica 6. In 1948, while investigating these visually distinctive animals, Murray Barr noticed unusual masses that became known as Barr bodies. Subsequently, the process of X-inactivation was discovered by Mary Lyon, where mammalian cells disable one of the copies of their X chromosome. The distinctive features of these animals result from this process happening differently in different cells of the developing embryo, which results in a (*) chimera-like patchwork depending on which X chromosome is active. A third result is found in areas where this effect is overridden by the piebald gene. FTP, name this variety of cat named for a cotton fabric from India, which is almost exclusively female. Calico [accept Tortoiseshell] 7. Analogues of these include the arishadvargas of Hinduism and the kleshas of Buddhism. The modern concept was developed by the Desert Fathers, introduced to western Christianity by John Cassian, and codified by Pope Gregory I in the sixth century. Western precedent can be found in the Nicomachean Ethics, where Aristotle discusses these using his theory of the golden mean. In Christian (*) hamartiology, these are to be distinguished from mortal ones, eternal ones, and ones that cry to Heaven for vengeance. Depicted in Chaucer's "The Parson's Tale", Langland's "Piers Plowman", and Dante's "Divine Comedy", FTP, name these offenses that are opposed to the heavenly virtues. Deadly sins 8. One character with this name volunteers at the F.E.A.S.T. homeless shelter until being infected by the Devil's Breath virus, and later dies before a cure for the virus can be distributed. Another character with this name is able to pass Dr. Hakim's tests along with her husband Cody and reunite with their daughter Rose. A secretary with this surname breaks down under Phoenix Wright's questioning and admits her role in the murder of (*) Mia Fey. A girl with this name is the daughter of Professor Birch, assuming her counterpart Brendan is chosen as the player character. FTP, give this name of the first mate of the Jellyfish Pirates, who wears an orange coat and wields an enormous anchor. May 9. At the start of the 20th century, a South American race over these nearly bankrupted Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. That race involved a bidding war won by a company based in Massachusetts, to the surprise of European competitors, and international speculation over whether the countries were acting as fronts for (*) combatants in World War I. One method of using these, which was achieved by Togo Heihachiro and (technically speaking) by Jesse Oldendorf, was known as "crossing the T", but by Admiral Oldendorf's time in 1944 these were already largely obsolete. FTP, the design of what kind of vessel was revolutionized by the 1906 launching of HMS Dreadnought? Battleship 10. The author of this work won a case against writer Margaret Walker Alexander, who claimed plagiarism of her novel Jubilee, but lost a similar case against Harold Courlander, who wrote The African. Journalist Mark Ottaway revealed inconsistencies in the oral histories the author had used to supposedly base the story on his own (*) ancestry. ABC executives, fearing low ratings for the television adaptation of this work, aired all eight episodes on consecutive nights and insisted on more sympathetic depictions of white characters, yet in the end an estimated 100 million viewers tuned in for the finale. FTP, in what 1976 novel does Alex Haley tell the story of Kunta Kinte and his descendants? Roots 11. One tradition places this location in Jackson County, near Independence, Missouri. Others have placed it in Florida, England, Iran, and Christopher Columbus thought it was in South America. It may be related to the ancient civilization of Dilmun, located somewhere on the coast of the Persian Gulf. Ezekiel mentions this location in connection with a cherub, identified with the King of Tyre, who (*) sinned against God. Four rivers flow through it, known as Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates, and its name derives from an Aramaic root that means fruitful. FTP, two holy trees and a flaming sword were placed by God in a garden in what earthly paradise where Adam and Eve originally lived? Eden 12. The condition number indicates how accurately numerical methods can be performed on these objects, with ill-conditioned ones resulting in large errors in the solution. The reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm can be used to reduce fill-in during computation by transforming certain of these objects into a banded or skyline form. Popular algorithms for (*) factorizing these objects include Householder and Gram-Schmidt, which can be performed by a software package named for these objects and the word "laboratory". FTP, the study of algorithms on what mathematical objects has recently been advanced by the work of Virginia Vassilevska Williams and Joshua Alman? Matrix 13. Predecessors of this story include "The Three Apples" from the Arabian Nights, and a version by the Italian writer Cinthio titled "Un Capitano Moro". That earlier version contains a graphic depiction of the murder committed at the end of this story by the title character, in the aftermath of which a side character tells the villain to (*) "Look on the tragic loading of this bed". This play was controversial for many years in South Africa due to the marriage of the title character, who has been played by several well-known actors in blackface. Set in the context of the Ottoman wars against Venice, FTP, which Shakespeare play tells the tragic story of a Moorish captain and his underling Iago? Othello 14. This ordinal number identifies the higher world where Brahma resides in the Puranas, as well as the one called Araboth in the Talmud. In the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, this one is the horse, and in the twelve labors of Hercules, this one is the capture of the Cretan bull. In Islam, parents are to name their child and sacrifice one or two goats on this day after the child is born. This number is (*) squared when calculating the year of a Jubilee and the day of Pentecost. Tanabata takes place on this day of this month, and a this son of a this son is said to have magical powers. FTP, name this ordinal number that identifies the day on which God rested after creating the universe. Seventh 15. In category theory, this term describes a natural transformation from a constant functor to a diagram, or a collection of morphisms from a given object that commute over the diagram. This term describes a family of formal languages that generalizes the set of all regular languages and is closed under homomorphism. A graph is called this term if it has a dominating set of cardinality one, or in other words, has a (*) vertex that is adjacent to all other vertices. In geometry, Dandelin spheres are tangent to this shape and a plane, and Cavalieri's principle can derive the volume of a sphere from that of this shape. FTP, what shape's namesake sections include the circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola? Cone 16. A notable play in this genre was forced to interrupt its initial run in March 2020 when West End theatres closed due to COVID. The so-called "cozy" variety of this genre, often written by women and/or with women protagonists, tends to have pivotal events happen offscreen; its popularity in Britain may have led to an American reaction in the opposite direction, led by writers like (*) Raymond Chandler. Games in this genre are popular as dinner theatre, and one commercial version was adapted into a movie in 1985. FTP, name this genre characterized by limiting the information given to the reader, so that they can follow along with the protagonist in answering the namesake question. [description acceptable] Whodunit [or Murder mystery] 17. After the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong launched campaigns against these people, and many moved to Hong Kong and Macau. Subsequently, the riots of 1956 in Hong Kong caused a crackdown there as well, which continues today under the OCTB. These groups originally adopted as their symbol the union of heaven, earth, and humanity. Ranks within these groups are identified using numerical codes, and new members undergo (*) initiation ceremonies where they swear 36 oaths. Today, some of the most powerful are known as 14K and Sun Yee On. FTP, name these Chinese criminal organizations whose English name originates from the term Sanhehui, or Three Harmonies Society. Triads 18. This is the rank of Boothroyd, a character in the James Bond series better known as Q. It was Jay Gatsby's rank when he was in the Army, and in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, it's the rank of Revolver Ocelot. The position of State Alchemist is equivalent to this military rank, while a cyborg with this rank hunts the (*) Puppet Master in a 1995 film. One astronaut with this rank is described as a "junkie, strung out in heaven's high, hitting an all-time low", and another officer with this rank is the victim of "an IBM machine with a sense of humor almost as keen as his father's". FTP, name this rank borne by a stage persona of David Bowie and by an unfortunately named character in Catch-22. Major 19. While this concept may date back to Herodotus, the earliest surviving references arise after the conquests of Alexander the Great, which brought Greek travelers into lands that had long been ruled by Persia. Those references include a passage by Diodorus Siculus regarding queen Semiramis and the city of (*) Babylon, and give that city more prominence than we do today. Perhaps the best publicized modern version of this concept, dubbed the "New" this, was defined in the first decade of the 21st century via online polling, and included an extra honorary member. FTP, name this numbered group of monuments, of which the only remaining member is located in Giza, Egypt. Seven Wonders 20. This is the subject of the final series of films by the director Krzysztof Kieslowski, each of which is themed after one of the concepts this represents. 26 years after its creation, this was replaced by a plain white version, but only for 15 more years before it was restored. For a short period in the 20th century, one world leader placed an axe on this object, while his opponents used a (*) cross of Lorraine. The 1790s saw many similar objects created along the design of this one, and again in 1848 when new republican revolutions spread across Europe. FTP, the oriflamme and the fleur-de-lys are predecessors of what national emblem whose parts symbolize: liberte, egalite, fraternite? Flag of France [or French flag]