The Sopranos Official Website
By Zoe Agnew

HBO's series The Soprano's is in it's third season and perhaps at its peak of popularity. With the high acclaim of both critics and ordinary viewers, as well as a high number of these viewers, the series has reached the exalted level of a 'shared cultural experience.' I even saw a Sally Jesse Rafael show today called "Sopranos Mania" which featured Italian-Americans from New Jersey who talked and looked like the Sopranos cast. The audience were all seated at small round tables with red checkered table clothes, pizzeria style.

The Sopranos series has created an intricate and involving story, replete with an entire Sopranos mythology. The official Sopranos website lives under the HBO umbrella, offering features like episode summaries, a Sopranos family tree, and trivia games. The "games" are very sparse; only one question is currently asked, and a person who answers correctly might win a TiVO. A more appropriate gift would have been The Sopranos video collection, and the questions should be more plentiful and elaborate. The family tree is a nice reference that includes business, family and "family" connections.

However, linked from this site is the Jeffrey Wernick site, easily the best feature of , or off of, this site. A self-proclaimed Sopranos watchdog, Wernick is not a real fan but is actually a very minor character from the show. Wernick shows up as the newscaster that specializes in mob related stories.

Wernick's site is like the website of a fiercely devoted fan. There are links to 'confessional' videos from Tony Sopranos daughter, Meadow. There are also pictures of the family that the FBI has supposedly snapped, and information on the family gleaned from FBI "leaks." Overall, there is a wealth of peripheral information on the show and its characters.

A television show like Twin Peaks, the hit from the early 90s, fed its fan base with the story's elaborate and constantly evolving mythology. The Wernick site feeds the Sopranos mythology extremely effectively, while Wernick's voice never leaves character. The Wernick site blends the mythology with reality even further by offering links to sites on "real" stories like the Boston mobs on Winter Hill.

The official HBO site feels just like a slightly stilted Hollwood site that operates under corporate and sponsorship constraints. But the Wernick site truly adds to the mythology of the show and can only galvanize Sopranos fans even further.