MIT Presidential Task Force
on Student Life and Learning

Report of the MIT InterFraternity Council
Committee on R/O Proposals

Fall 1997


  1. According to the 1994 Senior Survey, 93% of the residents in FSILGs were "very" or "generally" satisfied with their living group. (this footnote from the Introduction)

  2. A comprehensive educational initiative is currently being developed by the IFC Committee on Educational Programs. This program addresses the following general areas: (1) interpersonal skills, (2) health advice, (3) emergency options, (4) risk behaviors, and (5) legal responsibilities. The preliminary proposal passed by IFC Presidents Council is included in the Appendix. (this footnote from Section I)

  3. 97% of FLP participants indicated that the program provided "a good introduction to MIT." (1997 Post-R/O Survey). (this footnote from Section I)

  4. See 1997 Post-R/O Survey and 1995 Survey of Sophomores about Freshman Year '94-'95. (this footnote from Section II)

  5. This specific policy is drawn from the new IFC Policy on Risk Management (11/97) as developed by the IFC Committee on Social Policy, Liability, and Risk Management. (this footnote from Section II)

  6. "The representation of ethnic and racial minority student in [FS]ILGs collectively is not markedly different from their representation in the dormitories." (Report of the Freshmen Housing Committee, 1989). (this footnote from Section II)

  7. In the 1994 Senior Survey, 63% of the seniors felt "positive" about R/O Week and selecting living groups during the first week. The 1997 Post-R/O Survey indicated 87% of the freshmen were satisfied with their choice of living group. According to the 1995 Survey of Sophomores about Freshman Year '94-'95, satisfaction with the FSILG experience was most highly correlated with the sense of community, close friendships, supportive upperclass students, and the intellectual stimulation a living group fosters. (this footnote from the Summary)

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