Both Mary and Maurene often deal with bereaved clients of the cemetery who wander into the greenhouse. As Maurene says, "We get a lot of people who just want to engage in one way or another, either by complaining [about the condition of the grave site] or coming up and wandering around and looking at the plants, asking what we're doing, what we've got for sale, just looking for some people to talk to sometimes. Sometimes it's kind of sad."

After her own parents died in the late 1990s, she really started to empathize with her visitors, feeling "you know, 'right there with you' sort of thing." Mary and Maurene talk about the difficulty of watching people trying to be so strong in the face of death and yet not always being able to hold it together.

[Maurene works on planting flowers in log baskets and listens while a client talks about the flowers that are missing from her family's grave site.]
[Mary assembles vases of flowers as visitors watch.]