There are a lot of people who put together the movie experience at MIT, and only a few are mentioned here. There are countless night workers, refreshments workers, and a list of ten or fifteen projectionists. They are involved in many ways with MIT. Hawkinson and Rolfe work at the Student Information Processing Board - the guys to call when your computer is spewing gibberish and you don't know what to do. Ford is a member of the Student Committee on Educational Policy. Many LSC members are no longer students. Perlner, for example, now works at Lincoln Laboratory. They have a variety of experiences and interests. Some love the movies, and some mostly like the popcorn. It's not always fun, "like if I get stuck projecting the same movie twice," says Hawkinson. It is a special experience though. When asked how long she'll work at MIT, Perlner gives a telling answer:
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