HeaderDoc Class Hierarchy

author: Matt Morse (matt@apple.com)
last updated: 11/29/2001
HeaderElement                              (Root Class--any header entity that's significant)
        |                                  (to HeaderDoc is a HeaderElement)
        |-----------APIOwner               (Object that owns declared API)
        |               |
        |               |-------Header     (Owner for header-wide API)
        |               |                
        |               |-------CPPClass   (Owner for C++ class API)
        |               |                
        |               |-------ObjCContainer
        |                           |
        |                           |
        |                           |-------ObjCClass     (Owner for Objective-C class API)
        |                           |
        |                           |-------ObjCCategory  (Owner for Objective-C category API)
        |                           |
        |                           |-------ObjCProtocol  (Owner for Objective-C protocol API)
        |-----------Method              (an Objective-C method)
        |-----------Function            (a C function or a C++ member function)
        |-----------MinorAPIElement     (parameter, members of structs)
        |                |        
        |                |-------Var    (subclass of Struct so that it can contain fields)     

DocReference      (Another root class. Used by gatherHeaderDoc to store information about
                   documentation framesets within an input folder. The script uses this 
                   information to construct a top-level table of contents with links to each

headerDoc2HTML also uses the non object-oriented module, Utilities.pm.